Speaker Johnson: Separation of church, state ‘a misnomer’

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 420 points –
Speaker Johnson: Separation of church, state ‘a misnomer’

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Capital-F Faith is directly contrary to science and reason. It's believing things to be true without question or proof.

You can be spiritual and also be a logical person who listens to reason and science. But when you devote your entire worldview to Faith, then you should absolutely NOT be in a position to make decisions that affect other people's lives.

Capital-F Faith is directly contrary to science and reason. It's believing things to be true without question or proof.

It's worse than that. It's believing things despite contrary evidence. It's why you can never win any "debate" with believers. They literally believe that you telling them they're wrong proves that they are right.

My faith is in the fact that the world is created anew with the appearance of age every Thursday. We don't notice because we are created with memories of an entire history. But we are fooled, and each week the world gets stranger and stranger.

If I were to govern under this faith, I wouldn't bother planning anything longer than a week. I'm sure they wouldn't respect my freedom of religion, then.

Yeah I’m religious (syncretic neopaganism), but seeing as I live in the real fucking world where there’s plenty I don’t know I have to assume that part of what I don’t know is the nature of divinity. And I’m certainly not so damn confident in my religion to force people to it. I’m only that confident in the scientific method as a means of seeking truth.

In evidence we trust.

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