Gradual removal of port forwarding from the IVPN service to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 60 points –
Gradual removal of port forwarding from the IVPN service

So IVPN is also removing port forward. Who's next?


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What about i2p torrenting?

I know nothing about i2p isn't it going to depend on everyone using i2p?

There are i2p trackers and the only way for torrents to get there is by crosseeding them (from clearweb), qbitorrent on the v6.0 release will make this easier.

And you can also just upload to i2p trackers directly.

I think this is definitely the way to go! Just waiting on qbit now. VPNs are starting to feel dated (to me) for torrent use, but still great for privacy.

I'm seeing more people move that direction. It's worth keeping an eye on it.

Yup, AFAIK you do not need a port forward to torrent within the I2P network. And in addition you wouldn't even need a VPN. The main downside is that I2P needs more people torrenting so that it'll go faster.

I guess that means as more VPNs do this we need to spread the word on I2P then?

I heard its slower?

It is slower, but since it is a p2p network the more people that use it the faster it gets. (in theory) (sort of like seeding the network)