CNN analysis: Video suggests IDF might have rearranged weaponry at Al-Shifa prior to news crew visits to World – 372 points –
CNN analysis: Video suggests IDF might have rearranged weaponry at Al-Shifa prior to news crew visits

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I only saw a couple old rifles. Is that a terrorist control node? I bet American hospitals have more guns.

Random rope under a chair? Must be used to tie hostage. Baby bottle on top of WHO box inside a hospital? Believe it or not, hostage.

Calendar? Hostage.

God I hope they track down Monday and kill that terrorist son of a bitch.

Fuck you monday, you weekend ruining cunt

I think everyone on both sides can agree that Monday needs to be hunted down like the Amalekites Bibi was talking about.

Whether the hospital was used as a base or not, presumably Hamas would take as much of their stuff out of it as possible when they retreated from it.