Three chips in and Google Tensor is on life support to – 89 points –
Three chips in and Google Tensor is on life support

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Google makes 3 things: Android (includes Play store), Google Mail, Google Search.

That's it. Everything else from Google has its head already on the chopping block.

  • Youtube (the only Google service I use)

Not for long with Google cranking up the ads (amount of and length) as well as them stepping up their ad-blocking detection. Newpipe and such still work, but for how long?

Some of us pay.

Trouble is, kids don't. And kids determine what is gonna be the most popular platform in the coming years. So if kids end up hating youtube, then it dies when those kids grow up.

If this was true broccoli wouldn't still be a thing

I know your joking, but despite the trope, most kids actually do like broccoli in reality. It's only hypersensory kids or kids that can taste Bitter 2 that tend not to like broccoli, and most other cruciferous vegetables. That is still a decent chunk of people, but notably less than half.

Then every streaming service will die except Disney.