LPT: disable "Show Scores" in your settings. Score is useless, is often lazily used just to silence unpopular opinions and reduces engagement and reasoned arguments.

Engywuck@lemmy.ml to Lemmy@lemmy.ml – -8 points –

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Don't worry about it. Many heavily downvoted posts are also clearly in violation of either the community or instance rules; e.g. non-news posts in a news forum, or bigoted posts on instances that don't permit that.

If it’s in violation of the rules, report it. Don’t just downvote.

Well, in my personal experience people become emotional and downvote you about trivial comment that don't break any rule. For instance, I was recently donwoted to hell for saying that I despise Mozilla and prefer to use Brave instead of Firefox. 🤷‍♂️

To be fair, that does kind of, sort of, pretty much sound like heresy.

But why? Why can't I use a browser that work better for me and that I find more visually pleasant? It is this sort of hivemind thatg ruins communities. Also, for me heresy is not a negative word.

Mozilla followers are like a cult members. Mozilla has done a lot of good, but it's far from perfect, but some people just refuse to accept any negative comments about it.