Actual real political cartoon rule to – 480 points –

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Meh, civil war schmivel war. Until then we can still get drunk off our asses and accuse each other of being commie pinko liberal camel-f#ckers. I mean what's the point of life otherwise. Also, as a pinko liberal camel-f#cker, I know a warm place I can hide in if war breaks out. (Ummm you can use your imagination).

I have access to remote places too but I'm too old to want to fight off younger roaming raiding parties.

So my plan is to just pull up a chair on my rooftop and watch the fireworks until someone murders me

Good plan. If you know the world is collapsing, go drink in the world as much as you can until it happens. In the novel "Forge of God," when one character learns the earth IS going to be destroyed, he simply drives to a national park and camps out there, waiting for the end. That's how I'd like to live my last days. Maybe the world will end in fire, maybe ice - but either way I want to have absorbed the beauty of it as much as possible.

My imagination is cold tho

It wouldn't be if you were in camel's a$$hole - unless that camel had been cold awhile also. And if I'm already in there, it might get a little crowded.