Youtube has started to artificially slow down video load times if you use Firefox. Spoofing Chrome magically makes this problem go away. to – 2613 points –
Youtube has started to artificially slow down video load times if you use Firefox. Spoofing Chrome magically makes this problem go away.

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Fear not friend, you are not alone. I too am slowly switching over, and these things take time. We are truly victims of a great bait and switch, with our digital lives held hostage. We never asked for this.

What are you switching to ?

Folks have suggested Proton Mail. It seems pretty good to me!

This is an aside, but I also want to give Proton points for their calendar app. I used to use Gsuite and Google calendar and no matter what I did it always opened in agenda mode. The Proton calendar has all the features of Google calendar (as far as I can tell) but their app has an option for default display mode. That brought me incredible joy.

MXRoute and a domain name you own. Then you can switch provider anytime and actually own your @ email address.

I may just do this.... and for the mail itself, is Thunderbird still a good choice ? it's been a while since I've used àa desktop client. What about mobile by the way ? thanks for your insights

Thunderbird is great. MXRoute usually does a black Friday sale and its only $10 a year when I signed up 2 years ago.

For android mail client, I use FairEmail off Fdroid. I love it so much. It blocks tracking images and has a ton of other awesome features. I have it set up to get my 2 gmail accounts also and they are color coded to red so I can decide if its important and if so I go and change it to my non-google email or unsub. Going google free

Appreciate this a lot. I found a good deal at Hostinger so I went with that and am now choosing my domain name. Am stuck on that page lol. It has to sound good and be memorable