Surveillance footage shows Hamas bringing hostages into Shifa Hospital on Oct. 7 to World – 186 points –
Surveillance footage shows Hamas bringing hostages into Shifa Hospital on Oct. 7

The Israel Defense Forces releases surveillance camera footage from Shifa Hospital showing Hamas terrorists bringing a Nepali and Thai citizen who were abducted from Israel on October 7 to the medical center.


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Yes, my point is they're not allowed in Gaza at all, weapons are technically illegal there and if Israel catches you with one you're pretty likely to be shot or rapidly made multipart.

This is goddamn insane, imagine Russia trying to tell Ukraine theyre not allowed to have a military. Of course the genociders dont want their victims armed. Tell Israel theyre not allowed to have a military

Hamas militants have tried to overthrow or commit genocide against literally every surrounding nation. Hamas made their bed, quite intentionally.

Do you always lie when you have no arguments left to justify ethnic cleansing?

Lol how do you not know about this? Might want to look up Egypt and Jordan's experiences with Hamas

I’m well aware of the history of Hamas and their relationships with neighboring countries and organizations.

That’s why I know you’re just lying. Back up your claims with sources instead of pretending I don’t know any better.

So what exactly was the lie?

Just scroll up and look at the comment where I first accused you of lying. It’s not that hard.

Yeah I'm not sure what exactly is the lie there?

Israel: attempted genocide

Egypt: coup

Jordan: coup

Hamas did not try to coup Egypt or Jordan nor did they attempt a genocide in Israel. None of what you’re saying is true or even close to being true. There’s not even a way you could bend the truth to fit your narrative. You’re just lying.

Lmao dude this is just history. Hamas had the destruction of Israel in its charter. Their intent is caliphate. They're religious extremists.

Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and Hezbollah are all directly linked, and all funded by Iran. Why do you think Egypt and Jordan closed their borders after their respective problems?

This is not even a controversial take, much less a lie.

So then where is the evidence that Hamas attempted genocide in Israel or tried to coup Jordan and Egypt? If this is “just history” then it should be easy to find reliable sources right? Unless of course you were just lying.

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