
The Picard Maneuver@startrek.websitemod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1112 points –

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I kiss my wife and I lick her butt too.

We do the same as well .... but that's the only taint I would go near ... I don't like the idea of getting involved with any other human or any other species or any combination or quantity in between.

Well they also shit and don't wipe and that's never given a second thought. It's mostly clean after sure but let's not kid ourselves, they're getting shit particles on stuff. If you let your dog on any furniture, which like cmon why wouldn't you, then that's another contradiction. They are definitely getting nasty things on them and you end up laying on the couch one night without a thought, again.

You also have mites that live in your eyelashes. The world is a pretty gross place and being grossed out by some dog saliva, when they just wanna love you, is a weird double standard that I'd have to reconcile if I agreed.