Reusable packaging could cut emissions from plastics by up to 69% -study

Lee to – 105 points –
Reusable packaging could cut emissions from plastics by up to 69% -study

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In the System Change scenario, if consumers received 20 euro cents back when they return packaging to seller, it would lead to significantly lower net costs for returnable beverage and personal care bottles compared with single-use options.

I'm skeptical. I remember when you could get 10 cents back for every glass bottle you returned here in Indiana when I was a kid and people still didn't bother. And 10 cents then was worth a lot more than 20 Euro cents now.

Also, isn't most plastic packaging non-recyclable anyway?

We have that cashback system in Germany, each bottle has between 7 to 25 cent surcharge and it works extremely well. And those bottles are basically pure PET, which is extremely recyclable.
And reusable is nearly always better than recyclable

Sure it does work well because I am losing money in case I don't bring it back. I really hope it just stays with the bottles and not implemented for other packaging.

It's always picked up by people to get money in Germany and Denmark (if the original purchaser doesn't get it back).

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