Steam Sale Games to – 41 points –

What are people excited about for with the steam sale? Any hidden gems you'd like to share with the class?


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We all have hundreds of games that are $0, it's called "all the games in your steam account you already own that you haven't played yet".

Yeah, but we already know what those are. These games that we didn't buy yet are new to us and, therefore, shiny.

As a fellow Steam user/gamer, I'm in this picture and I do not like it whatsoever

Am I weird for not having a backlog? I have games I haven't played much of, usually because it didn't click with me, but can't thing any that I have never played.

I have almost 1000 games. There are certainly genres I own but don't want to even install. The games that I haven't played are those I don't want to play but somehow ended up owning. Probably through bundle deals.

The bundles might be the thing. I rarely buy them, so don't end up with games I know I won't like. No shame, btw, I was just curious.

Yeah I stopped buying bundles. They aren't as good anymore. Humble bundle used to be far better.