Google Chrome will limit ad blockers starting June 2024 to – 270 points –
Google Chrome will limit ad blockers starting June 2024

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Firefox is calling all of you.

We just added a “copy link without trackers” context menu option too ;)

thank you billy

Well at this period of time one of the interns will have removed Firefox's user agent from the whitelist most Google services by mistake again.

If so, I just hope antitrust lawsuits will be fast enough so that it doesn't build up a bad reputation for Firefox ...

Cool, you gonna help me swap over the more than 100 online accounts from various website that I set up with using my Google email account to a different email account? Because if I am switching to firefox I will also be getting rid of my google email account.

I’m confused are you mad at Firefox because you put all your eggs into one basket?

Single point of failure too… if someone for whatever magic reason got access to your account you’d be capital Fucked