How many of you are still working full-time remote and how is it going? If not, why not? Was the decision made by you to go back to the office or did your employer decide for you? to Moving to: m/AskMbin! – 78 points –

I am still working full-time remote. There are definitely some social aspects of going to the office I miss, but I really don't miss the commute or the shitty office politics. Overall I feel I am still more productive from home and happier overall.


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I'm practically full-time remote, though technically hybrid. But unlike the "x days at home, y days in the office" hybrid, we're wfh unless we have a reason to be in the office together for collaboration, which actually is helpful. So in reality, I go in a day or two every couple weeks or so. No complaints on my side.

Same scenario for me. We have some weird system to reserve a desk, that a lot of people mostly ignore. I've tried to reserve a desk a few times and all but once, some asshat was already sitting there. I didn't feel like being confrontational so I just went home.

LOL! My org is doing this as well. The couple of times I've been in I just plopped myself down in a conference room without booking it. No one was around to complain.

Honestly this seems like a best case scenario to everyone except whoever has to pay rent on the office lol

I don't even know about that. Since not everyone in the company needs to be in the office at the same time, they can downsize to a smaller office without making it too uncomfortable.

Just to be a pedamt you mean the person paying rent to.....the person paying the rent should be happy they can downside and reduce it soon..

It is those receiving rent and those that those recieving rent owe loan payments to that are getting squeky bottomed on their investments.