US nuclear lab hit by hacktivists wanting cat-human hybrids to Not The – 164 points –
US nuclear lab hit by hacktivists wanting cat-human hybrids

Which one of you is this??


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Worthless trolls. They're not hacktivists if they're leaking innocent government employees' personal information for the most cringeworthy demands possible. I've had to deal with data breach shit like this in the health industry.

Are these dipshits so self-deluded that they really believe they're some sort of activists? I thought Anonymous was cringeworthy enough... At least they aren't such pricks.

I mean of anything this just begs to the fact that our federal NetSec is about as useful as a "do not enter" sign on an unlocked door.

Meh, they're never going to give in to any demands under any circumstances so the next best thing you can do (besides doing something more productive with your life) is do it for the memes.

Just think if they hacked them trying to get the government to enact free healthcare or lower taxes, the outcome would have been the exact same.