Russian Murderer and Cannibal Released to Fight in Ukraine to – 117 points –
Russian Murderer and Cannibal Released to Fight in Ukraine – Reports - The Moscow Times

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Imagine being in this guy’s regiment.

‘Hello comrade, what brings you to us?’

‘Nothing much, murdered a few people. Ate someone, you know.’

'Vell you know. Ve arrre alrrready murrrderrr the people. Ve don't have enough rrrations, so, many of us have alrrready eat the people. Welcome to front line comrade'

Why does that sound so familiar to me?

Was that or something very similar said in a TV show at some point?

I don’t think so, I thought I just made it up unless I subconsciously copied it by accident.


I think it triggered my memory of Jake's cellmate in Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Who is a cannibal and very blasée about it.