New Zealand granny fined US$1,995 for bringing chicken sandwich into Australia

Lee to World – 247 points –
New Zealand granny fined US$1,995 for bringing chicken sandwich into Australia

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“Chicken meat poses a significant biosecurity risk to Australia, particularly the risk of highly pathogenic notifiable avian influenza (HPNAI) virus which can cause severe disease and mortality across Australia’s poultry industry, and may also affect wild bird populations.”

We do have a reputation for taking these things very seriously, as we should. We were even going to kill Johnny Depp's dogs at one point but settled for the "hostage video". Despite that, it does seem excessive in this case and should have been overturned on appeal at the very least.

Thankfully someone stepped up and ended up paying the fine on their behalf.

We were even going to kill Johnny Depp’s dogs at one point but settled for the “hostage video”.

Let me guess, it's because he was rich and famous.

I think it was more about sending a message. In a way yes because he is famous, but in the way that they wanted to leverage that as a deterrence. It wasn't about "letting him off the hook". It was about using him as a platform to say to the world "we do not fuck around when it comes to this". If you've seen the hostage video you know what I mean 🤣

I have not seen this hostage video.

Is it easy to find?

Here's a short news story about it with some additional context

Here's the original clip

If you search Johnny Depp hostage video you will find it. We don't talk about she who must not be named.

Thank you!

I can see how this might be a win-win for both parties. Yeah, JDepp gets off cause of his fame. But the AU government also gets to use that fame to send a message to everyone else.

They were never really going to kill the dogs. The full context was along the lines of "well you can do the right thing, or we will have no choice but to..". I'm not aware of any cases where they've actually euthanised a pet, famous or no. It's an absolute last resort as they would rather just quarantine them. But yeah, pretty funny and a win for the government.

In Australia under a rightwing government? No, they wouldn’t have given a shit about that.

It was because he broke biosecurity laws. Something we take seriously here after witnessing how rabbits, foxes, and canetoads fucked up the environment.

We were even going to kill Johnny Depp's dogs at one point but settled for the "hostage video".

That was just Barnaby Joyce grandstanding and making a big deal out of 'we apply the rules to everyone, no matter if they're rich or famous'. No fucking way he would have ever laid hands on those dogs. The man was and still is a fucking embarrassment to politics and Australia.

Agreed and I made a similar point in a few of my other comments. If you look at the original context it was more of a "well you have to abide by the rules and the dogs should be quarantined but if you're not willing to do that then we would have no other option".

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