New Zealand granny fined US$1,995 for bringing chicken sandwich into Australia

Lee to World – 247 points –
New Zealand granny fined US$1,995 for bringing chicken sandwich into Australia

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If you don't know chicken can look cooked on the outside but be raw on the inside please don't ever work anywhere near the food industry.

Who the fuck is smuggling half-cooked chicken breasts for this 'gotcha' of yours? Oh, that's right, no one.

You understand most of risk DAFF is trying to mitigate is accidentally introduction of pests and dieses right?

And I can't fathom how so many people think customs have the man power to check every hamburger passagers may be inclined to hide in their luggage. Unknown and unprocessed meat is a risk, cheapest and safest way to reduce the risk is to ban it.

But you know, you guys continue to enjoy your airplane hamburgers along with rabies, brown marmorated stink bugs, khapra beetles, giant african snails and all the other shit we manage to keep out with strict quarantine laws.

Okay, it is banned. Tell them to throw it away. Don't fine the everliving shit out of them for a cooked sandwich.

That's generally the rule - if you're not sure, declare it, then if it's not allowed, it's binned. There are even signs all over the place through Aus (& NZ) customs saying exactly this.

If you don't declare it and it's found or it looks like you've tried to hide it (wrapped in luggage) then that's when you get in trouble for it.

I've worked in imports for 20 odd years and would have witnessed ABF & DAFF (and their previous 5 or 6 names) seize or hold hundreds of thousands of items. I've never seen a fine issued for a simple mistake, they're normally reserved for when there is deceit or concealment.

Unknown and unprocessed meat is a risk

A risk of what? And why would that risk not apply to the people coming in who've been eating that meat?

rabies, brown marmorated stink bugs, khapra beetles, giant african snails

All things that are not typically found in chicken sandwiches...

What risk from meat?? Where the fuck have you been for the last 4 years brah??

I'm still waiting. What's the risk from a cooked chicken sandwich and why would that risk not apply to the human eating that same meat?

Fucking hell you're a thick cunt.

Chicken meat can be contaminated with Avian Influenza. And why isn't the risk the same if a person ate it on the plane... Because humans aren't avian.

The law isn't made around 1 granny and her fucking sandwich right? All different meats contain different risks, the level of risk is different depending on the country of origin, type of supplier ie commercial vs personal use. It's how quarantine works lad.

The law isn’t made around 1 granny and her fucking sandwich right?

No shit, that's why law enforcement almost always has some leeway to handle situations on a case by case basis. Lady coming in with a COOKED chicken sandwich from New Zealand? Not a biothreat.

Kind of funny you calling someone else a thick cunt when you're dead set on inventing/wildly exaggerating the existence of a threat.