Sen. Mitt Romney Says He Would Vote For 'Virtually' Anybody Other Than Trump or Ramaswamy to politics – 844 points –
Sen. Mitt Romney Says He Would Vote For 'Virtually' Anybody Other Than Trump or Ramaswamy

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Define good

edit: I’d say yes, but there’s a spectrum of expectations

good as in being able to balance the budget while keeping inflation low and helping people, all people, earn a living wage, fight for education so we can start exporting engineers and doctors who get money abroad and spend it in the US, instead of importing them, make healthcare care and homes affordable. Last president who balanced the budget was Clinton, I believe, and home costs have been going through the roof after the pandemic. Engineers and doctors are coming from Asia. The military is the last good thing but the cost is very high.

But I think I agree with you, expectations is what drives the votes.

Okay, everything is incremental (and no one politician can do everything by themselves), but Obama's platform was Healthcare reform, and he got that done, just not as much as we wanted. But it still made Healthcare more affordable for the low and low/middle classes, and it established regulations on what must be covered and made businesses with full-time workers responsible to give health insurance. Is it everything we could hope for? No. Was it better than what was before it? Yes. He still had a ton of things against him (renewing PATRIOT Act, drone-striking a bunch of children, not supporting LGBTQ+ people until it was a foregone conclusion, etc), but he helped with Healthcare.

Biden and Democrats have tried to institute student loan forgiveness (and been fought against at every corner). They are constantly fighting against the dismantling of the education system by the Republicans, and I'd say holding the line is an achievement in itself (though they kind of suck at holding lines). And inflation has slowed dramatically over the past several months (under Biden), largely due to efforts put in place in the past that are only now bearing fruit.

So yes, some politicians have been doing some good, and the perfect is the enemy of the good. If your expectations for what would be considered a "good" politician is to single-handedly fix all the problems that you personally take issue with, no politician will ever be "good."

good points, but the changes at their best help only the poor, or the people that make up to 4 times the poverty level which is only about 35k or 50k tops. then you have a section of society from50k to 100k who is mostly screwed and have to pony up everything for everything. They try to fix it, but fixing it for some is not fixing it, they must fix it for all if it’s going to make an impact.

So you're determined to make perfect the enemy of good. Maybe one day you'll learn the world just doesn't work that way, especially not when the party of con artists and grifters is willing to sabotage any initiative that might accomplish what you demand so you buy into the "both sides" bullshit.

why are you attacking me? make your arguments and let’s have a conversation. this seems like a cope out answer.

Because you're promoting the "both sides" bullshit, and I'm out of patience with it. If you want to see more progress, get out the vote. Stop repeating Republican talking points.

this mf in lemmy thinking is congress or the united nations, thinking he’s very productive by posting his thoughts into a browser.

Pot, meet Kettle.

If you want better responses, do better. It's already been explained to you in exhausting detail how you can't have your ideal world until we help create it, and still you persist in blaming Democrats for not having the power to do more even when they make the effort. So you'll have to excuse me if I'm not willing to waste my time repeating facts you already know.

did you started a movement yet that we all can join? or you mean let’s talk about it in Lemmy and hope it magically happens.

🤦‍♂️ my point from the beginning is that there are no good candidates to vote for. you can gather 30 million people but you can’t get a good candidate out there to vote for, which makes it useless. maybe go back and read ALL my comments? did you just made the bare minimum and read one comment to start arguing?

I read the whole thing, which is why my initial comment to you stands. You won't stop blaming Democrats unless you get the perfect candidate with the perfect policies, and that's never going to happen. So let me know when you grow up, and we can revisit this conversation then.


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Then no.

edit: I would consider that an exemplary, holy-shit-how-did-you-manage-this-without-outlawing-Republicanism job.

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