People have been cleaning their ears with cotton swabs for years. What other tools are being inadvertently used wrong? to – 155 points –

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That’s so weird to me; whereabouts are you from? I’m in California and just looked through my cans and maybe 10% of them have pull tabs. Apparently we have the jank can tech here haha

I’m in the Netherlands. I thought globalized supply chains would keep our canned produce in sync, but apparently I thought wrong!

I wonder if it’s some weird patent issue.

Big Can Opener is keeping the US down apparently! Really interesting to find these differences, have a great day and a nice time opening your more convenient cans!

It's certainly to do with the fact that nobody wants to pay for new machinery when the old ones still work. As things break, I should think that we'll see more items use pull tabs. FWIW Europe is way ahead of North America on this.

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