What should I call my son (due at the end of April)

Colour_me_triggered@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 64 points –

Im having difficulty finding names I like. I need two - three names that roll off the tongue and wouldn't be out of place with a long hyphenated surname.

No religious names

No surnames

No places

Nothing that rhymes with Aden

Upvote good suggestions otherwise post ones. Bonus points if it's a sci-fi name.

Edit: lots of good suggestions, but I think I'm going with 'Wash'.


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Manishtushu is nearly the worst name i have ever seen. Kids would absolutely wreck that guy all the way to college.

People are going to make fun of the conqueror of Anshan, King of Kish, Ruler of Sumer and Akkad? That seems unlikely to me.

Man-ish tush-u. It aint hard to see why the kid would grow to hate his name.

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