The Internet is Worse Than Ever – Now What? to – 152 points –

Social media divides us, makes us more extreme and less empathetic, it riles us up or sucks us into doom scrolling, making us stressed and depressed. It feels like we need to touch grass and escape to the real world.

New research shows that we might have largely misinterpreted why this is the case. It turns out that the social media internet may uniquely undermine the way our brains work but not in the way you think.

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The phrasing of "more civilised places" in the comment you mention seems highly problematic to me, yes. I think the "stupid Americans" is your biased interpretation though.

Oh, btw I wouldn't call people from the USA "Americans", because it is just one of many countries in the Americas. Another blind spot in the US perspective.

Nah, I meant "stupid americans". They were right.

Oh, OK. Yeah, I understand now why the other person got defensive. I obviously also get your anger at US people. But why would you then throw "civilised people" around? Imo this reinforces colonialist viewpoints of civilised vs uncivilised people.

ETA: oh wow, scrolling through your recent posts you seem to have a lot of oppressive and conservative opinions.

Wouldn't describe them as oppressive, I'm just a constitutional monarchist and I recently started a flame war over why I don't think religion should be destroyed lmao.

Also the white Europeans living in America are colonialists and those are the ones I am referring to as uncivilised, not indigenous. So I apologise if you thought that I was referring to indigenous people.

I just started a flame war

Okay so I don't need you in my feed then. Blocked. Hope more follow suit