People really hold their mouse like that?! to – 138 points –

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Luckily you can always buy a larger mouse.

No,.that's sadly not an option for many people. Given the rather large variance in hand sizes. A mouse.that.allows my fingers to rest over the switches in the mouse buttons would be almost unusable for smaller hands. That's something manufacturers just will not do.

I've never seen one large enough, it would have to be like 50% larger than an already large mouse (logitech G602)

Lmao, good luck finding a good mouse that is also big enough. I'm 1.93 with comparable hands, and the typical razer trinity sized mouses are too small, and bigger mouses are just worse.

I guess I got used to the fingertip grip, it isn't tiring at all after spending the whole day working on a PC and the remainder gaming with the same mouse.

BTW, when gaming sometimes I don't even move the hand, only the fingers

Uh, no, you definitely can't. Even the biggest mice aren't big enough for some people.