Inside the 'arms race' between YouTube and ad blockers to – 137 points –
Inside the 'arms race' between YouTube and ad blockers

From the article: “In some ways, the current situation has spurred an arms race. YouTube has inadvertently improved ad blockers, as the new knowledge and techniques gained from innovating within the YouTube platform are also applicable to other ad and tracking systems.”


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I rather watch less content on nebula than support this horrible user experience.

At this point the majority of channels that I like are on Nebula. You’re right, it won’t be a huge loss.

Indeed. It could be a huge win for Nebula, in fact. At least I hope if the users on YouTube lose that a different platform wins and it won't just be a net loss for users and YT-competitors.

Nebula is a walled garden though. They don't even have a formal process for applying to be on it. I hear it's invite only basically

Yeah that is unfortunate. They will probably never fully replace Youtube until they change drastically. They also serve a niche of interests only. It happens to align with my interests really well but it's definitely not for everyone.

I don't think they really have a goal of replacing youtube. I think the end goal is becoming an old school style media production organization, one that is collectively owned and bridges the Gap between social media and Hollywood.