Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy to resign from Congress at year end to politics – 349 points –
Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy to resign from Congress at year end

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McCarthy […] said he is leaving “to serve America in new ways.”

this is very ominous sounding

Proud Boys next probably.

While I have almost no respect for McCarthy, I would say Proud Boys might be a step too far for him. If he were that type, he would have been all in with the Freedom Caucus, right?

I imagine him taking a more snake-ish route using his political accumen to advise/lobby for rich assholes, and trying to undermine the will of the people in more passively malicious ways.

Proud Bois is probably a step too low for him. I see a Fox/OANN gig in his future. Somebody has to fill all of Rudy's slots after he gets incarcerated.

Hopefully what Paul Ryan did. Write a book and disappear.