Report: Bungie Will Lose Independence Within Sony If Destiny 2 Fails Financial Goals to – 87 points –
Report: Bungie Will Lose Independence Within Sony If Destiny 2 Fails Financial Goals

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I prefer Destiny 1 at least it is a full game with all the story intact.

Deleting all the main story and half the DLC people paid for is not how you run a game.

In my case I cannot access anything that I paid for. Bungie can get fucked with a thorny cactus covered in lemon juice.

What a fall from grace from the Halo days... Really shows that they were looking for more money, not for creative freedom as they framed it when they got bought by Activision.

the part that really makes me heave is that Sony gave them $1.2 billion earmarked for retention, and they gutted multiple longtime departments including people from the Halo days.

Whoever's making the decisions at the top have gotten real cynical.

I kind of assumed it wasn't still playable. Going back to that to scratch the gunplay itch is tempting.

Oooh, didn't know that. So, if I get the Destiny 1 now, I can play from start, and then all the expansions in a sequence, like a normal game?

yes but It is not cross platform.
Maybe we should start a fediverse Clan for destiny 1.

If you want to buy the DLC the order is as follows.
1: The dark below
2: House of Wolves
3: The Taken King
4: Rise of Iron.
Though for Rise of Iron you need a ps4/xbox one or newer to play as xbox 360 and ps3 does not have that content.

I'll probably get it on PS5, don't have a gaming PC, or any PC that can run anything released after Age of Empires 2 (the original one) 😀 .

Just looked it up, PS have a complete pack with all the DLC/Expansions, but it's full price (59.99) and apparently doesn't go on sale...

How's the game when playing Solo?

I went through it all solo about 5 years ago, and it was great. It can be difficult because of the lack of other players, but I was able to do it, and I suck at console FPS controls.