Tesla Cybertruck's stiff structure, sharp design raise safety concerns - experts

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to Technology@lemmy.world – 514 points –
Tesla Cybertruck's stiff structure, sharp design raise safety concerns -experts

Tesla Cybertruck's stiff structure, sharp design raise safety concerns - experts::The angular design of Tesla's Cybertruck has safety experts concerned that the electric pickup truck's stiff stainless-steel exoskeleton could hurt pedestrians and cyclists.


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That's... computer generated. BeamNG maybe?

I'm pretty sure that's BeamNG, yeah. That sand looks like a texture from Johnson valley, I'm pretty sure the wall they're hitting is either a gas station or a garage model that was placed on a road, and the skid marks from the tires look the same as they do in BeamNG. You can see body panels and doors clipping through the body of the truck on several occasions, too.

Looked convincing at first, but it felt too clean- Then at 7 seconds in, you can watch a white panel clip straight through the door and windshield lol

Yeah, without a disclaimer and evidence it's modeled correctly it's just straight misinformation at this point.

Second crash, the body part above the front wheel goes straight through it.

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