People Who Don't Wear Deodorant or Seemingly Bathe Regularly, Why? to – 176 points –

Like, I travel around for work and I've met plenty of people from all backgrounds.

Why is there a demographic of people who don't seemingly bathe regularly, or at the very least wear something to cover up their BO? I could understand if it's an allergy, or even religious reasons (though the people I've met that smell bad are usually you're average American young adult man) but recently (like in the past week, recently) I've met a concerning number of people who don't seem to wear any kind of deodorant or possibly don't even bathe regularly; it's starting to become an issue for me, as I don't even want to interact with them when I can smell them walking up from 3+ feet away yet I need to for work.

Does anyone have any possible insight?


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Wait... what? Do you live in the Amazon or something? You should probably go see a doctor


I was told not to worry about it

Excessive sweating is definitely something you should worry about.

That's irregular. Have it checked by a medical professional and get a second or third opinion if you already were at the doctor.

There is cases where the underlying reason can not be discovered. Those are usually harmless. Pretty much all cases where an underlying reason can be determined can be tested for and for almost all of them should get you medical treatment. They reach from not good to serious danger to your health.

That answer doesn't mean shit when it's actually affecting your well being. I hope you can find a doctor who takes you seriously.

Yeah the Amazon is a trip. I was down there for about a week, and except at night, there was no point at which I was not basically dripping with sweat. I'm told that your body eventually acclimates and it becomes less of an issue, but a week was definitely not long enough for me.