PFAS 'Forever Chemicals' Found in Freshwater Fish, Yet Most States Don't Warn Residents to – 289 points –
PFAS 'Forever Chemicals' Found in Freshwater Fish, Yet Most States Don't Warn Residents

Staggering amounts of toxic “forever chemicals” have been found in freshwater fish, but there is no federal guidance on what is a safe amount to eat

Bill Eisenman has always fished.

“Growing up, we ate whatever we caught — catfish, carp, freshwater drum,” he said. “That was the only real source of fish in our diet as a family, and we ate a lot of it.”

Today, a branch of the Rouge River runs through Eisenman’s property in a suburb north of Detroit. But in recent years, he has been wary about a group of chemicals known as PFAS, also referred to as “forever chemicals,” which don’t break down quickly in the environment and accumulate in soil, water, fish, and our bodies.

The chemicals have spewed from manufacturing plants and landfills into local ecosystems, polluting surface water and groundwater, and the wildlife living there. And hundreds of military bases have been pinpointed as sources of PFAS chemicals leaching into nearby communities.


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Plastics in our fetuses, PFAS in the fish... Smartest species on the planet apparently.

We put lead in gasoline well aware that lead was toxic and knowling fully that lead would come out the tailpipe and it still took us decades to reverse that decision.

Avgas is still used in some race cars and small planes with combustion engines tho ... so not completely gone.

We will favor cost savings over safety every damn time.

Well, evolution is pretty fucking stupid it turns out. It just tries shit generation after generation; and those with the winning genes have more babies. Humanity is arguably the longest running experiment by evolution, and we’re now getting to a point that “imagination” which is what put us ahead of the game, and allowed things like art and science to prevail, also allows people to “imagine” how they can step on those around them to have a better life themselves. I think evolution’s experiment of imagination is either coming to a close, or we’ll be replaced with true AI, which, really is sort of the peak of evolution anyway.