What's a cool website you’ve visited that no one seems to know of?

TehBamski@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 372 points –

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And also "every finite number is contained within PI" but with words.

That statement may be false, a simple explanation is that if you make a number out of π by removing all 9s it will keep the properties of π being infinite and non-repeating but never contain 9.

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This is equivalent to the assertion that pi is a normal number, which is not proven.

Okay, cool! I had some fun looking for words in the pages. But if I understand it correctly, what we'll end up with individual words surrounded with gibberish on the pages. You're never going to get a page full of real words, right?

Every possible page is generated somewhere. I think there's a checkbox on the search page that fills the rest of the query with spaces.

I haven't looked at it yet but if u understand correctly you just have to search for a page where surrounding gibberish is also words. Probability plummets to zero fast, I'd guess

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