Americans, what are your plans if Trump wins in 2024? to Ask – 257 points –

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If Trump wins, he's not stepping down after 4 years. He (and his kind) are staying in power for good.

Sure. I'll believe it when I see it. Please can you try being more dramatic next time?

How'd that work for him last time?

Surprisingly well, given that his incompetent failed coup landed him fuck-all for punishment.

He's literally on trial for a coup that failed and thats surprisingly well? What went well in your opinion the coup that didn't work, or the trial(s) that are ongoing?

He’s literally on trial for a coup that failed and thats surprisingly well?

A properly-functioning society would've executed Trump for treason by now. Hell, even the fucked-up Weimar Republic had managed to try, convict, and imprison Hitler by the time three years had gone by since the Beer Hall Putsch.

Meanwhile, Trump hasn't even so much as seen the inside of a jail cell yet, so things are going extraordinarily well for him.

Im not going to defend the court draging their ass but its a hell of a lot easier to try a dead man over one who won't shut up. Hes also in the same situation as his little insurgent fans, those cases took and are taking quite a long time too, I still wouldn't call that better than expected. If he doesn't see the inside of a cell thats better than expected but by all meausre of lawyers commenting on his cases, 'better than expected' is not a take I'm hearing.

When we look at other countries that have had successful coups overturn their governments, the most common indicator among them is a previous unsuccessful coup plot.