How did become more popular than to No Stupid – 470 points –

I don't understand how developers managed to surpass both and instances in user activity.


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Wow, thanks for that, I really thought .ml was Malaysia. While I had some mild concerns about Malaysia, isn't Mali a shit show as far as human rights? If the servers are in France, that mitigates a lot, but I think I have more concerns about Mali.

The country of Mali has little to do with, apart from an annual transaction worth 10 USD.

Mali has nothing to do with the instance though. Every country has a top level domain, like .CA or .UK etc. Most of them you have to pay to make a website using the domain. Mali is one country that lets anybody use the ML domain for free. That’s the only reason uses it, they have nothing to do with Mali else-wise. (Well there is the bit about ML = Marxist Leninist, but that is a bit of a backronym.)

For me ML stands for Machine Learning. Mali is sitting on a goldmine of a tld, and could turn into Tuvalu

Ya. I’m pretty sure they just took .ml because it was a cheaper domain, but someone’ll have to correct me on that.

The admins of .ml are tankies. The letters don't reference a place, they reference a couple of communist leaders who the admins are fans of. I'm surprised that more people aren't aware of that on this platform.