Betty knows how to make your life a living hell, too.

The Picard to – 450 points –

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The enemy are the business owners who force us to be so desperate we're at each other's throats in the first place. Don't blame your fellow working class people.

Sometimes your fellow working class people are incompetent or lazy and actively make your life more difficult though. If we're all in this together we should be helping each other not making shit worse.

Are they making life difficult or are they just trying to survive any way they can, just like you are?

They are making life difficult. Their incompetence creates issues that impedes dozens of other people from being able to do their jobs

Oh no, someone is impeding my ability to generate capital for the company owners!

I don't give a fuck about the owners. I do care about the stress levels of my coworkers who are forced to deal with these problems and the customers we serve who are just trying to get their shit fixed so they can go about their lives.