Betty knows how to make your life a living hell, too.

The Picard to – 450 points –

Mine was Sandy. She would always ask if the equipment was going to work and I would always say "it should" and she hated that because she wanted a guarantee. I'd always say "if I could guarantee it, I wouldn't have a job".

And Betty wonders why the power keeps tripping in her office when she's got 2 space heaters going on the one outlet

You fuckin idiot Betty, I don't care if you're cold, stop using space heaters

I’m the Betty at work. It’s only one space heater, but still. It’s the corner of an old brick building with shit ventilation, my office is like 20 degrees colder than the main hallway!

I was thinking if you're exaggerating with the 20 degrees difference or you have a minature storm in your doorframe, but the I realized you're American

This is way too fucking real, especially in IT offices.

Our Betty is a lady who found a spreadsheet of WAN circuit references we use for calling out faults and demanded to know why the "useless" spreadsheet didn't have the costs or any purchase order references on it.

Lady, we don't give a shit about that. That's your job.

The enemy are the business owners who force us to be so desperate we're at each other's throats in the first place. Don't blame your fellow working class people.

Sometimes your fellow working class people are incompetent or lazy and actively make your life more difficult though. If we're all in this together we should be helping each other not making shit worse.

Are they making life difficult or are they just trying to survive any way they can, just like you are?

They are making life difficult. Their incompetence creates issues that impedes dozens of other people from being able to do their jobs

Oh no, someone is impeding my ability to generate capital for the company owners!

I don't give a fuck about the owners. I do care about the stress levels of my coworkers who are forced to deal with these problems and the customers we serve who are just trying to get their shit fixed so they can go about their lives.

This picture is of Betty... and she's a massive Trump supporter.

Dude, for me it was the billing lady. Bitch never payed on time. Tons of attitude if I asked for an eta. Almost missed rent a couple of times.

I wasn't angry 2 seconds before running across this post.

I'm I the only one that finds my office atmosphere overall nice and friendly? There's no one at work I don't get along with, and I definitely don't have 'enemies'. Sure there are a couple people that cause me a bit of extra work every once in a while, but I'm sure I've caused the same at some point.

Office work doesn't have to suck