Mortgage giant Mr. Cooper hit with cyberattack possibly affecting more than 14 million customers to – 155 points –
Mortgage giant Mr. Cooper hit with cyberattack possibly affecting more than 14 million customers

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Did anyone that uses them receive an email from them about it? I sure as hell have not...

Nothing here! My mortgage was bought by Mr. Cooper in September so I just made it into the system before this breach. This article is the first I am hearing that my SSN and Bank Account info was breached :(

And here I was thinking that disclosure was required by law.

I did, about a month ago.

EDIT: Went back and looked at it. It was just a generic notification that an incident had occurred and that they were taking steps to address it. No details.

A Message to Mr. Cooper Customers

On October 31, 2023, our information security team identified an external threat to our network and locked down our systems while we resolved the issue. Over the following weeks, our investigation revealed that certain customer personal information had been compromised. We have been working closely with cyber security experts to determine the full extent of the impact.

We take our role as your mortgage company very seriously, and there is nothing more important to us than maintaining your trust. We truly appreciate your patience as we’ve worked through this situation.

Please take comfort knowing we are adding further security enhancements to help prevent incidents like this from happening in the future, and we are providing two years of free credit monitoring and identity protection services to any customer who would like to enroll. You will receive a letter in the mail soon with more information and next steps.

I am deeply sorry for any concern this incident may have caused. Making your homeownership journey as smooth as possible is our top priority, and we intend to make this right for you.


Jay Bray

Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Cooper Group

That looks remarkably like an email I have not received.