How Trump Is Laying The Groundwork For A Coopted Military, Now And In 2025 to politics – 233 points –
How Trump Is Laying The Groundwork For A Coopted Military, Now And In 2025

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Jan 6. The Capitol Building, Congress, and the Vice President were actively under attack from a violent and armed mob. The President was gleefully clapping and refusing to intervene. And the goal of this was to actively subvert the constitution... and lynch (and worse) elected officials.

That was the moment where "The military is loyal to the Constitution" or "The military is honorable" goes out the fucking window. Because they actively sat on their hands and waited to see how things would shake out.

The "Constitution" was at stake and the military chose to let the violent tyrant shoot his shot.

Posse Comitatus Act.

The national guard could have been activated. Who activates the national guard for DC?

The D.C. National Guard is the only National Guard unit, out of all of the 54 states and territories, which reports only to the President.

So if a trump-like figure is elected, the military will blindly follow any atrocities they want. Which… should not be a surprise to anyone considering what we did in The Middle East for the better part of two decades.

Yet people still think that The Military won’t get to goose stepping the moment a wannabe dictator tells them to.

Figured it was worth repeating.

Also especially good that we are so happy that the heroic military will sit idly by while a POTUS, who is actively trying to usurp The Constitution, tries to have the second and third in line to the position, murdered.

The Posse Comitatus Act bars federal troops from participating in civilian law enforcement except when expressly authorized by law.

Do you want them to break the rules they’re bound to follow or not? Sounds like you just want to believe whatever fits your viewpoint. The military had no right or responsibility to engage in a civilian law enforcement action on January 6.

The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which removed the military from regular civil law enforcement, was enacted in response to the abuses resulting from the extensive use of the army in civil law enforcement during the Civil War and the Reconstruction. What you are all bent out of shape about was restricted because it was being abused.

Let's be real, the military is going to intervene next year because its purpose isn't to uphold the Constitution, it's to protect the status quo as it is in every country that has one. When this all pops off into a civil war, they'll take over whether the Posse Comitatus Act is a thing or not.

They're the ones with all the guns, and the ones with the guns make the rules.

Got it. So next time there is a civil war, just wait it out.

Would probably be easier in the long run since there wouldn't be any pushback to celebrating slavery and treason

If your argument is that the military would ignore insurrection then we agree. But that is not what the comment I replied to was about

Lol! I’m sorry, I thought you were being serious. I didn’t realize you’re a parody or troll account.

So if a trump-like figure is elected, the military will blindly follow any atrocities they want. Which... should not be a surprise to anyone considering what we did in The Middle East for the better part of two decades.

Yet people still think that The Military won't get to goose stepping the moment a wannabe dictator tells them to.

Which is a good thing

I can talk out my ass too about maybes and if. But I tend to care more about the truth.

... The truth being that the outgoing POTUS, who has lost the election, has led a violent insurrection against the Capitol Building where the Vice President (second in line) and Speaker of the House (third in line) are with the explicit goal of preventing Congress from upholding the Constitution to formally elect a new President (who, even according to Fox News, has won the election)? And that the military chose to sit on their hands while the POTUS attempted to have the second and third in line murdered so that he could piss on the Constitution and stay in power?

That truth? Because we aren't talking hypotheticals. That is what happened. Unless this is your sneaky way of saying that you think Jan 6 was an Antifa False Flag that was all about finding those e-mails.

As the other person who responded shared, the D.C. National guard is unique. You can whine and insinuate all you want but it doesn't change anything. Just makes you look ignorant.

  1. The Guard aren't cops. They don't get to show up guns blazing without orders. Which is a good thing.

  2. The D.C. Guard was created before there was a local government. There had never been an issue like this for it's 120 years of reporting to the President directly. The Pentagon already reviewed and changed the rules back in 2021.

  3. But on Jan 6th, after realizing a Trump crony had deceived them, Pentagon leadership started going further down the chain to get authorization to act.

I'm not really saying this for you though. It's clear you're being dumb about this instead of reading. But it's here for others who'd like to understand.

The crux of your argument is:

They were legally in the right to allow a violent tyrant to lead an insurrection and attempt to murder the only people who could uphold the Constitution and get him out of office at the end of his term

They thought hard about if they will do that again.

None of which does anything to support the narrative of

the military purposely must remain loyal only to the Consitution, not to a political party or individual. Anyone in the military who acts in support of Trump is subject to a Dishonorable Discharge, life in prison, or execution. If Trump issues an illegal order like to suppress free speech or free assembly any military member who follows that order would face harsh punishment and a long jail tim

If you want me to add a bunch of "hash tag, support the troops" in my condemnation of them supporting a violent insurrection against the US Government then sure. I don't want that smoke. But you have no point beyond that.

Because the only difference between our arguments is you are deciding they were heroes for actively not protecting the VPOTUS, Speaker of the House, or the rest of Congress and instead relying on the courage of police officers which... jesus christ how do we still have a country?