Company tells employees to run miles each month if they want their bonuses

Lee to World – 389 points –
Company tells employees to run miles each month if they want their bonuses

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Yes, of course there needs to be exceptions for those less able.

It’s tracked by a fitness app according to the article. Just turn off permissions once you’ve finished your run.

Ooo boy, time to fire up my GPS spoofer!

Yes, of course there needs to be exceptions for those less able.

So people would need to disclose their medical information to their employer now too, and also hope that they not only keep it private, but consider it at all, with all... none of their medical knowledge? Oh, sorry, only disabled people, you know, so that they can qualify for whatever "exceptions" to this discriminatory bullshit the boss comes up with...

Only thing required is this to be made explicitly illegal.

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