To build a better world, stop chasing economic growth to World – 663 points –
To build a better world, stop chasing economic growth

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I hate this elitist sentiment. 😒

Strong "i got mine so fuck you" type of mentality.

A degrowth society has to be an equitable society. Otherwise your criticism is entirely valid.

We are going to have a degrowth system regardless of any policy decisions, as the current growth system is burning through critical resources and destroying the environment. We can either plan for this, or we can have an unplanned existential civilizational crisis.

Degrowth for the west, let the rest of the world suffer yeaaaaaa. Everyone knows only the west matters anyways.

By equitable I meant 'equitable for everyone' not equitable for only the people of the core of the empire.

I mean we are saying the same thing.... i am just saying that thinking this way is pretty elitist. There are developing african and asian countries that will soon surpass the US and EU in population. Im sure they will have the same mindset though.

If you don't think corporations and governments in Africa have the same idea that there should be endless growth, I suggest you read up on them.

My last like 5 posts on this have been sarcastic. I think its incorrect to think that environmental policy starts and stops with the west. I also think its unrealistic to think a developing country doesnt aspire to become just as waste hungry.

Yes? If we applied degrowth to places that don't have anything, they would die en masse.

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It's too late for sentiments, my friend. We are not the winners of this game, but we might all be losers if we don't reduce our habits of reckless consumption.

Yes, i have the same sentiment. I have been calling for everyone to accept higher taxes for years. Garnish wages, let the extreme wealth gap grow wider. If everyone is poor then we dont have to worry about what shiny thing to buy as long as we can get that dog meat on the table.

you kids need to eat more acid.

SO TRUE! My malnutrition living in central america has stunted my growth but if I lived on the plentiful acid you provide then some day my progeny can grow big and strong like yourself.

staying fed has always been a problem in central and south america. you can't grow big crops without wiping out large swaths of rain forest. stop cutting down rain forests. stop following catholic traditions that encourage large families. ya'll should be having way less kids. the ecosystem just can't support large populations. you'd be better off going back to living in small units dependent on hunting and fishing.

sorry bro. that's just how life works. you really don't want what america has. cherish what you have.

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