Bar owner is arrested after St. Louis police officer crashes into his business to Not The – 282 points –

Sorry folks, this didn't look paywalled for me when I posted it.

Links others have provided:


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My experience with Missouri police was not a good one. They lied and said my taillights (yes, both) were out and "that" was why they pulled me over apparently. So he took me to his car, where I could see my taillights functioning, and accused me of smuggling drugs from México. Apparently, because I had taken a road trip to New Mexico (which he interrogated out of me), that means that I had drugs from the country México. Tell me how a police officer doesn't know New Mexico is a state...

To top it all off, he told me to stop breaking the law and let me on my way without so much as a clue to what law I was breaking.

Don't talk to police officers.

Memorize this script:

  • “Why did you pull me over?”
  • (When they ask questions like where are you going? Where are you coming from? What is that smell?) “I’m not discussing my day.
  • “Am I being detained or am I free to go?” (If you are being detained, invoke the 5th amendment.)

This works significantly better if you are of the less melanated complexion.

We'll see that's your first problem right there.

Gotta figure out how to not be dark skinned.

Just wear a white pointy bed sheet with holes for the eyes and they'll think you're one of them.

Just wear a white pointy bed sheet with holes for the eyes and they’ll think you’re one of them.

I'm genuinely curious, what were you trying to communicate by directly quoting their entire comment?

I was trying to accomplish that if they delete their account or comment there is still context for the comic I posted.

I'm genuinely curious why that would be bothersome in any case.

Ah, I understand. I was just curious. I personally didn't find it bothersome, but I don't speak for anyone but me.

All good, and I apologize for assuming your tone. (Strangely I thought I'd already replied but Kbin seems to have eaten it.)