Young voters right now overwhelmingly prefer Biden: The Economist/YouGov poll to politics – 715 points –
Young voters right now overwhelmingly prefer Biden: The Economist/YouGov poll

Young voters overwhelmingly say they would support President Biden over former President Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up if the 2024 presidential election were held today, according to a poll released Wednesday.

In the Economist/YouGov poll — conducted via web-based interviews Dec. 16-18 — more than half (53 percent) of registered voters under 30 said they would support Biden, and less than a quarter (24 percent) said they would support Trump.

Another 10 percent said they would support another candidate, 4 percent said they were not sure, and 9 percent said they wouldn’t vote.


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You do realize that Biden can't just declare things into law, right?

For the first two years, Biden had a Democratic House that could theoretically pass anything he wanted, but a Senate which was split nearly 50-50. If they didn't get every vote, they could fail to pass a bill. And this doesn't even get into the filibuster which would tank bills unless 60 votes were reached or the fact that Manchin and Sinema frequently acted to sink Democratic bills despite technically being Democrats. Biden could put some pressure on them, but his options were limited. It's not like he could hold a gun to their heads and force them to vote on favor of bills

Since January, Biden has had a Democratic Senate with a razor thin margin and a Republican House. This threw even more wrenches in the works.

And then there's the Supreme Court. Thanks to Mitch McConnell, Trump, and the Republicans, the Supreme Court has a huge conservative majority. So Biden can try to take action for things like forgiving student loans, but then Republicans sue, the case ends up in the Supreme Court and the conservative justices rule that Biden isn't allowed to do this by law. (He's managed to find a way to forgive some loans even if it wasn't as much as he wanted to do.)

Putting all the blame on Biden and saying "he didn't fulfill all his promises" is disingenuous. He hasn't exactly had the Congress and Supreme Court that could support what he wanted to do. Could he have done everything anyway and proclaimed that he makes the laws now? Perhaps, but then he'd be a fascist dictator and not working within our political system - exactly the type of thing that Trump wants to do and is properly criticized for.

It's funny, the student loan thing was literally decided by the supreme Court reiterating that executive branch rulemaking can't be done capriciously, and people are still pushing this patently false idea that Biden can legalize pot with the stroke of his pen.

Right. And Biden still managed to get some student loan forgiveness through.

I get people being upset when politicians don't fulfill all their promises, but campaign promises tend to be aspirational statements. Once the politician gets into office, they run into the cold hard reality of how the government works.

This happens with every politician. It would be interesting to see all the promises that politicians from Reagan on made to see how well they kept them. I know there are some sites that track this, but I'm not sure they go that far back. It would be interesting to see if Biden is on par, ahead, or behind the average Presidential promises fulfilled.

I’ll give him credit for fighting for student loans (though he chose a stupid strategy and doesn’t seem to understand basic aspects of negotiation?), I give him zero credit for fighting for a minimum raise increase because of “the parliamentarian”….??

These two things are not the same and are regulated by different laws. By your logic we could conclude that Biden couldn’t do anything.

It’s also important to note that Biden used the weakest legal reasoning available to him when canceling student load debt. Debtor advocates were very critical of him at the time for doing that because it increased the likelihood it would be shot down in court.

Buddy, you seem to misunderstand something here. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. If you want to believe Biden deserves your vote go nuts. It makes no difference to me.

But I'm telling you as someone who voted for him in the 2020 general: Fuck Joe Biden. Do whatever you want with that information. But trust no amount of these excuses will change my mind. I was already angry I had to give him a chance in 2020 after people voted for him in the primaries specifically to fuck over progressive and leftist efforts. I held up my end of the bargain. Biden and the people who elected him in the primaries did not.

Fuck Joe Biden for screwing up the BBB. Fuck Joe Biden for negotiating down from $50k student loan forgiveness. Fuck Joe Biden for waiting until after the midterms to fuck over the rail workers. Fuck Joe Biden for blocking the strike. Fuck Joe Biden for supporting Israel against our wishes.

For someone who needs the votes of people like me to win the 2024 general election he sure ain't fucking acting like it. He can go fuck himself along with everyone who voted for him in the primaries.

Ok, so I get that you are privileged enough that you can probably ride out Trumpist fascism without much real damage, at least for a while. Just understand that there are many vulnerable people who will be seriously harmed by your decision to do anything besides voting for Biden. This isn't dooming or trying to scare you into a vote, it's a simple statement of fact.

If you are fine with that moral liability, then carry on.

Funny, that's precisely how I view the people who voted for Biden in the 2020 primaries. Where's your ire for them?

So who you voting for then?

Definitely not trump or Biden. If a decent 3rd party candidate shows I'll go that route otherwise I'll just write in.

Gotcha, well that sounds pretty worthless.

Sounds like people should have made a better choice in the 2020 primaries then.

Who cares, dude? Waste your vote.

Be happy knowing that you had a hand in making Trump part 2 fascist boogaloo a reality.

No blame for the people who elected another procorporate trash candidate who's going to lose the general election then huh?

Incumbent Presidents don't often step down and let a party primary process occur. I don't like the situation any more than you do I just know the stakes and am clear minded on what my choices are.

I am too: I'm not voting for Biden or Trump. If that upsets you tell the people who voted for Biden in the 2020 primaries they were selfish pieces of shit.

You're angry because you're ignorant, and because of that, you're threatening to not vote for the best option in the general election out of spite. Not voting or voting for anyone but Biden is an effective vote for his opponent, which at this time appears to be Trump. So you honestly think that there is anyone else currently running that you think would better represent your interests than the guy that had actually tried to do just that without the needed support?

You can hate the guy all you want, but check in on the reasons you listed and gain a better understanding of the situation around them so you can see how far off you are.

How about in just a high level way, explain how someone could have realistically handled those situations in a better way that would have benefits the country better. Student Loans, Rail Strike, and Israel, how would you have pleased everyone?

You’re angry because you’re ignorant

Call it whatever you want. But Biden is depending on a lot of votes from people like me to win the 2024 election. Would you rather deal with us or MAGA?

If you don't vote for the front runner on the Democratic ticket in the general, then there's no difference. If you're even considering, at this stage, not voting for the assumed candidate, Biden, then you're no better than maga. I'm not out here to convince you that he's great. I'm just saying you threw some blanket, bullshit reasons out, then act like there's a better choice. In reality, there's not. You can piss and moan all you want, but the general election is not the place to take a stand.

Not voting for one specific candidate makes you as bad as Nazis.

Is this your idea of a functional democracy?