Young voters right now overwhelmingly prefer Biden: The Economist/YouGov poll to politics – 715 points –
Young voters right now overwhelmingly prefer Biden: The Economist/YouGov poll

Young voters overwhelmingly say they would support President Biden over former President Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up if the 2024 presidential election were held today, according to a poll released Wednesday.

In the Economist/YouGov poll — conducted via web-based interviews Dec. 16-18 — more than half (53 percent) of registered voters under 30 said they would support Biden, and less than a quarter (24 percent) said they would support Trump.

Another 10 percent said they would support another candidate, 4 percent said they were not sure, and 9 percent said they wouldn’t vote.


Young voters are being given really shitty choices.

Doesn't matter, over half won't be voting. Even less than normal if GOP state legislatures do away with mail in ballots or automatic mailed request forms from COVID times.

The less people who vote the more elections Republicans win.

Make sure your friends go vote (unless they’re trumpeter assholes maybe, then don’t talk about it).

Less young people voting is a direct result of the national DNC’s deeply infuriating tactic of promising a fuckton of stuff and then just abandoning those goals and… “compromising” with the GOP every single fucking time the chips are down. And here, “compromise” is pronounced “submit to”, because most Democrats have the neurological inability to understand that these days the GOP will betray them simply on principle, or because one GOP rep wants to tweet something so they can “troll the libs”. And then we all suffer for it.

We all fucking understand the stakes here. The DNC is actively pushing young voters away by using such a deeply cynical strategy and then thinking we’ll forget all about that stupidity the next time an election comes around. From where a lot of young people are standing, it looks a lot like a choice between “actively bad” and “passively bad”, and it’s hard to give a fuck about that, especially if you’re already struggling with other shit in your life, like most of our generation is to one degree or another.

Don’t get me wrong - I vote in every single election I can. But the amount of deeply, fundamentally uninspiring or even actively bad candidates I feel I’m forced to vote for, simply because they’re not a neo-Nazi or a member of the GOP is not small. And to all you vOTe fOr a ThiRD pArTY types out there: you and I both know that’s a great way to hand elections to the GOP, given how our shitty electoral system works.

The party is absolutely taking advantage of how bad their opponents have become. Democratic party leadership has regarded the left of the party with such withering contempt for so long, and then they wonder why the left resents them.

It’s super frustrating, because while I still think it’s possible to move the DNC in a more reliably progressive direction, it’s abundantly clear all the fossils in charge of the party have no intention whatsoever of going in that direction, so we either need to force them out or wait for them to die.

And in the meantime, the planet is warming and the fascists they keep "compromising" with only need to win once.

Yeah these polls always being in terms like "registered voters" or "likely voters". Where as they really should poll "eligible to vote" instead to get full picture of the societal political mood situation.

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I wonder when this magical time was where voting for the president had great choices. What many young voters fail to understand is that it’s not all about the president. Get enough Democrats into Congress, and they will be able to vote for progressive legislation, and if you send that to your far-from-ideal president’s desk, they’ll sign it.

It's certainly a much easier task than having an awesome progressive president who begs a near 50-50 Congress to pass good bills, and it just doesn’t happen.

Get enough Democrats into Congress, and they will be able to vote for progressive legislation,

We had 60 and they killed the public option. How many do we need?

People need to study how the Moral Majority took control of the GOP. Nixon was a dead duck after he lost his California Senate race, but he knew that an ex-Vice President was a big deal in small places. He campaigned tirelessly for years, getting lots of Reps, Governors, and Mayors elected. In 1968 he breezed in because he had the Party base on his side.

The MMs did the same. They would show up at every local GOP meeting with enoughvotes to get their agenda enacted. One day the Party big shots looked around and realized that all the dog catchers, county clerks, and sheriffs in their state were MMs.

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Ok, so we need to force the system to change outside of its normal paths of power to have choices. No one thinks this time existed, everyone understands the current situation is bad.

People need to study how the Moral Majority took control of the GOP. Nixon was a dead duck after he lost his California Senate race, but he knew that an ex-Vice President was a big deal in small places. He campaigned tirelessly for years, getting lots of Reps, Governors, and Mayors elected. In 1968 he breezed in because he had the Party base on his side.

The MMs did the same. They would show up at every local GOP meeting with enoughvotes to get their agenda enacted. One day the Party big shots looked around and realized that all the dog catchers, county clerks, and sheriffs in their state were MMs.

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Sure, Biden kinda sucks, but THE ALTERNATIVE IS ACTUAL FASCISM.

I've been saying this for years. It's kind of not really a choice, as much as it sucks. Let's just hope enough people actually turn out to vote

Biden kinda sucks

Lol no he doesnt

Yeah people catastrophise so badly when it comes to politics. Biden is bland, uninspired and gaff-prone - however, he is a safe pair of hands. Just because a politician does not make you excited does not mean they suck.

He said he'd veto a bill for universal healthcare. That sucks. It just sucks less than trump saying he wants to be a fucking dictator

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I mean ... he does. He's not as bad as he's made out to be on most domestic issues, keeping in mind the limited power of the presidency and the fact congress holds the majority of the power. But he's too fucking old. He's made mistakes, and handling Israel with kid gloves is a problem.

I'm still voting for him because:

  • The alternative is a fascist takeover of the government
  • It gives us 4 years to push for change, elect leftists, and organize in an environment where were fascists don't hold overwhelming power.
  • In 4 years he'll fucking leave office on his own accord. Donald Trump (or his stand-in) absolutely won't.
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Which is why republicans are trying so hard to push the idea of not being able to vote until you're much older.

cause they want to cut off the youth vote, because they'd rather disenfranchise tens of millions and get rid of democracy than risk having to change their positions.

The youth vote, the minority vote, the poor vote, the mail-in vote... Really they just don't seem to like the concept of voting altogether

Well it's hardly surprising.

It's like preferring a slice of unbuttered slightly stale bread, to a literal dogshit on a stick, being waved around by others with shit all over their faces, knowing that if they eat enough, you'll have to eat double.

I hear ya. So many would literally eat a shit sandwich if it meant a liberal had to smell their breath.

I don't particularly prefer Biden, but he's much more preferable than these crazy nazi Republicans running against him

I can vote with my heart in the primary.

I'll vote to win in the general.

Every week it’s a different poll with a different result and a different headline. All I’m learning is that these polls are meaningless.

Not all polls are meaningless. But there are a ton of meaningless polls that get an inordinate amount of attention. And I believe the overall goal of that is to make people think they're all meaningless.

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I prefer getting a finger cut off, as opposed to an arm.

Doesn't mean I want to lose my finger.

Regardless of how you feel about the candidates the important thing is to actually vote. Going around and saying "well they both suck" doesn't help anyone.

Not voting then getting the greater of two evils from your perspective is your own fault.

Always vote, even if the news or anyone else tells you the candidate you want is a sure thing, vote even if the candidate you don't want seems like a shoe-in.

Hillary vs trump was the first election in which I could vote, but I refrained on account of not wanting to vote for a giant douche or a shit sandwich. I will never make that mistake again...

I'm not a Biden fan, but I voted for him last election and will eagerly do so again this next cycle.

I also want to point out that the gap between the "lesser of two evils" has turned into the Grand fucking Canyon following trump's attempts to overthrow our government to remain in power, and platforming on literal fascism...

It's a vote for democracy or neonazi fascism. Period.

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You aren't losing a finger, you're being forced to accept that your politics don't align with most of your fellow citizens.

Frederick Douglas couldn't even vote, but he worked for politicians who couldn't promise to end slavery.

Don't align with most of your fellow citizens that vote, specifically. And they're the only ones that count in this case.

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you're being forced to accept that your politics don't align with most of your fellow citizens.

I think younger people are being forced to accept their politics don’t align with most of their fellow citizens who vote and have money. Statistically this means older citizens.

If there’s anything good coming out of the last two presidential elections I think it’s that younger citizens are becoming more active and galvanizing them to vote and be heard.

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In an ideal world, maybe the votes would be weighed by the expected remaining life span of the voter.

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Young people prefer Joe over the guy LITERALLY ADVERTISING TYRANNY AS A FEATURE? What a fucking surprise.

Young People: So my choice is a morbidly obese corrupt fascist and failed businessman asshole who wants to be a Dictator or a Centrist who has spent his life in public service and generally is working toward a better future? I guess I'm ridin' with Biden.

That better future, most regrettably, is human annihilation via climate change.

I truly see, in that aspect, all capitalist candidates as the same.

Of the candidates, Biden has done the most to combat climate change. The Inflation Reduction Act was the biggest effort we've made so far, and it actually caused European countries to pass similar legislation so that their green energy companies would stay competitive.

Is the IRA perfect? Absolutely not. We need to do much more. And I trust Biden the most to do so.

Yes, I trust him more than the Greens. The green party likes to talk a big game but they have no results to show for it -- they could at least compete in local races, and as mayors and state representatives push sustainability policies. They also have no trouble running anti-science, fear mongering candidates who rub shoulders with the most corrupt capitalists in the world.

I think you are missing the point unless someone from one of the parties does something literally right now our species is going to be destroyed. It's arguably already too late to stop it.

I don't think anyone is taking this seriously enough.

It's hard to tell what our trajectory is. It's clear we're going to see the effects of climate change and that we have to deal with it, we can't just ignore it. What isn't clear to me though is the severity. Are journalists sensationalizing it as the end of the world? Or are officials at climate groups like the IPCC downplaying the severity? Should we be talking like it's an existential threat to humanity, so drastic action is taken?

I don't know. And I say that as an engineer at a green energy company. I'm trained to look through the bullshit and I have an interest in this field. If I'm unable to determine what's what, I can only imagine how much worse it is for people who care about this but may not have the technical background on the details.

It's certainly too late to stop it entirely. We need to take measures to mitigate and weather through its effects. And regardless if it's an existential threat or not to us still, we should be acting now. It would be fantastic if we could get an annual climate bill that judges the situation each year and makes adjustments to course correct us to whatever our goal needs to be.

I've always found that channels takes to be unrealistically optimistic for my taste.

Optimism is dangerous in the face of a disaster. Pessimism lights the fire under you necessary to get it fixed.

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A warmongering, racist piece of shit.*


You don't have to pretend biden is good to say he's better than trump.

Biden ended the Afghanistan campaign. We're in peacetime now. Are you talking about other nations buying American made military products?

I thought that shit show was Trump's fault.

Trump set the timeline and gave the Taliban an endorsement to take over the nation. Biden oversaw the successful redeployment of troops. From a military only perspective that was a very successful operation. The State Department fucked up getting TCNs out and their families. That part was never part of the military mission.

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Well well well. Looks like we finally got a poll that wasn't conducted by people calling a boomer's landline at 2pm.

Give those polls will start trending towards Biden. The Democrats are ensuring they keep pumping up Trump because they know how terrible he is. Trump is the easiest to beat but you have to wipe the floor with him. He is such a threat that even progressives will put aside their differences and vote Biden.

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We got a poll that centrists won't make up stories about in order to dismiss it in vaguely ageist terms.

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The kids are alright. Aint nobody younger than 50 who isn't a complete chud falling for that shit again.

Biden is a great president and best panacea to the ugliness of current politics. Feel free to not like him though. Nothing against polls but it is still far out so even as a Biden supporter I'm not going to wave this poll around like I'm Dean Phillips.

One of the political sites I frequent that keeps track of polling data has a phrase they repeat often "in politics, a week of a long time." It means that a week from now, some scandal or major local/national/world event could occur and the polls from now could be useless.

And if a week is a long time, then 11 months before the election is forever. You might as well poll for DeSantis vs Newsom in 2028. It would be just about as accurate.

By November, there are a lot of factors that could change which could alter the polling figures/voting results. Maybe Trump is convicted. That could drive people away from him or it could strengthen the right as they flock to him to "save" their leader. Maybe once Biden is the official nominee (as opposed to virtually the only candidate officially recognized by the party), Democrats will flock back to him or maybe people will follow through on their threats and refuse to vote in 2024. Maybe in 11 months, Biden will be boosted by a booming economy or maybe something will happen to cause a crash that pulls his numbers down. Maybe the situations in Israel, Ukraine, the border, etc will change to boost or hurt Biden's numbers.

And this is just stuff we know about now. For all we know, the headlines in October of 2024 could be about some major event that we have no clue about now. For example, the headlines in December 2019 were not about a global pandemic. If I was typing this in December 2019, "Trump will be hurt by his response to a global pandemic that shuts down nearly everything" would not have been in my listings."

If Biden is down in the polls in September or October, I'll worry, but I'm not going to worry about polls in December 2023.

He is, unfortunately for his polling, a chief executive that is more involved in production than brand loyalty or celebrity. He's been in government so long he understands how things get done, what he has the power to move, and what he does not. Tilting at windmills is how you fire up a base but it achieves nothing in practical terms. He's a tortoise in a world of hares.

What surprises me is that the pollsters managed to find young voters. Anyone under 35 probably doesn't answer their phone unless they know the number, and they don't even have landlines to call from a published list. This was a web-based survey, which sounds rather self-selecting already.

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It's wild how many YouGov polls hit the front page of Lemmy. Regardless if you like the results or not, the polls are worthless trash that means nothing.

If we're going to have a president who backs fascist regimes abroad no matter what, they might as well be less fascist domestically.

The bar is so fucking low.

NYT did a new poll with a likely voter screen and likely voters prefer Biden too.

I mean that's 53%. This demographic is supposed to be the one Biden is relying on to win, so this is a disastrous number.

If the historically absent young vote is the one he's counting on then we're proper fucked.

Like I know this man has been in politics long enough to know that, he's one of the signatures on the magna carta.

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53% is not disastrous. In polling that isn't head-to-head, that's a landslide victory. It means that no consolidation of any other options will beat the majority. Trump is at 24%, and the rest is scattered with people that are more likely to tip their vote to Biden or not vote.

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9% said they wouldn’t vote, but how many actually won’t bother going to the polls?

It’s true that abortion drove out young voters, but I’m interested to see how long that bump goes on for

I believe we'll just get them in the mail here. Should be standard everywhere tbh

Won't bother implies that it's an easy thing to do, but this isn't true of many underprivileged people. Next election will only be worse as restricting people's waterbottle access and eliminating polling stations had just begun during the midterms and hadn't been tested on the biggest scale elections yet.

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I think this is always been the case but also young voters don't vote or express their opinions or do anything but jerk off

One day it's an article saying young voters are abandonning Biden, next day it's one saying they overwhelmingly support him.

In what universe is 53% (against a fascist malignant narcissist manchild, no less!) overwhelming support?

Certainly not this one.

Because it's not 53vs47, but 53vs24.

Biden has double the support with youth Trump has.

But one has to wonder where the other % are, not speaking their mind because they have someone with them that requires them to support the other guy or just don't want to go on the record with anything regardless. (and this goes both ways, teens not dare to say they would vote Bidden because the people with them are MAGAts or people that would vote Trump, but are scared to say out loud because they know full well their peers don't agree).

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This is the best summary I could come up with:

Young voters overwhelmingly say they would support President Biden over former President Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up if the 2024 presidential election were held today, according to a poll released Wednesday.

A New York Times/Siena College poll released Tuesday showed Trump ahead of Biden by 6 points among registered voters under 30.

Biden and Trump are the current front-runners for the Democratic and Republican parties, respectively.

Recent polls have indicated Biden’s popularity is waning slightly as Trump’s ticks up.

The incumbent held a mostly consistent lead over Trump for the first several months of the year, until mid-September.

The Economist/YouGov poll surveyed 1,336 registered voters, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.2 percentage points.

The original article contains 304 words, the summary contains 118 words. Saved 61%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Clearly because of the lack of options... Biden and Trump again ey 😵‍💫

trump might not be able to run for president.

but republicans are republicans

Well yes. Now add in "Generic Democrat" and watch Biden's numbers drop like they're a 21 year old in their first club.

53% is fucking abysmal. Christ we're all fucked.

You don't understand polling. Look again. It's more that twice as high as the next option. 53% is fucking fantastic.

Irrelevant, since he's going to be the one on the ballot.

That fact alone could still cause a major backlash. The GOP is absolutely readying bad faith attack ads about the lack of a democratic primary. (In reality neither party has allowed an incumbent president to be primaried in decades) They're already running FUD about it, hoping it goes viral.

In a world with such a myriad views how can there be a two party system. It's utter madness.

Meh I reckon Boden at least chills, he knows that the US ain't got shit to prove, they just do whatever they do and try not accidentally sell guns to too many of the wrong people lol

"Yong voters prefer man that can offer a slim hope of a future over man promising to plunge world into darkness."

Like who would vote for a guy saying he wants to be a dictator????

When will we learn that all politicians are shit regardless of color? Guillotine for president 2024!!!

Why choose the lesser evil?


Is been years since I’ve seen this on a bumper sticker.

Who fuckin knew gwar would be the moral leaders we always needed.

I'm a gwar fan but don't understand the reference.

The comment I replied to said "guillotine for president 2024" and gwar does a ceremonial beheading of the current POTUS at their shows.

Also they spray you with demon cum.

I thought it was a song I've never heard before lol

I know all about that "cum". I've seen them at least 10 times - still an amazing show 🤘