Why do Lemmy users rarely use emoticons?

Slow@lemmy.today to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 212 points –

Reading comments in different communities, I noticed that users hardly leave smilies. Why is that?

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


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My hypothesis: Lemmy has an older userbase, and in general older people feel less of a need to express their emotions. They're busier discussing the topic than highlighting their attitude towards it.

Perhaps cultural reinforcement plays a role, too. As emoticons and emojis are less used, they feel more out of place, so people who'd use them elsewhere avoid them here.

My 80 old father-in-law spams emoticons like he's a 15 year old girl. Cringe-worthy and hillarious at the same time 😂

I have stopped contacting family members because the constant emoji spam kills all desire to have a conversation with them. Feels like empty meaningless chatter.

I only use emoticons to clarify an emotional message. On forums, I'm more interested in sharing and discussing ideas and opinions. Emoticon spam makes me sick with worthless cringe.

I use emojis only because my phone suggests them at the end of sentences 🙃