Starting in 2024, Californians can redeem empty wine and liquor containers for cash to – 396 points –
Starting in 2024, Californians can redeem empty wine and liquor containers for cash

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We've had this for plastic bottles forever here in Norway.

Same in California for most beverage cans and bottles. It's specifically the wine and liquor containers that are new.

Same in Germany+glass beer bottles. But still not on other alcohol lol

Maybe they don't want you to come back to the store after you emptied that vodka bottle.

For glass it's about standardized refillable bottles. Most eine and spirits come in a variety of bottles depending on origin and are generally not meant to be refilled.

It's also common in many states including California for cans, plastic bottles, and many glass bottles but this particular measure adds more types like wine and liquor bottles and pouches

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