Nazi lives don't matter (rule) to – 2059 points –

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Reddit Nazis: Just can't wait to go have a genocide!

*spez sleeps*

Anyone Else: Fuck the hell off. Your jaw needs a realignment

*spez announces red alert at Reddit HQ and personally fires a cruise missle to 'removed by reddit' your life*

I wish this wasn't the case! Was part of one of the carpet bombings

How could you call them Nazi?!?!

They’re only saluting Hitler, the literal figure of the Nazi movement and regime – see, absolutely innocent!

The word Nazi gets used so inflatedly these days. Also, why is everyone calling me Nazi?

Legit, my entire account and all of the accounts that ever touched the OFFICAL reddit app, were all removed when I made a comment "Yeah, punch a Nazi, with a bullet."

The accounts were all insta/perma-banned across all of reddit for this one comment.

Basically reddit was defending Nazis.

I am kind of not too sad to see reddit start sinking.

Oh yeah. When one of those subs start laughing it up about "free helicopter rides", crickets. Reddit let them do that for YEARS before public outcry forced them to exercise some asshole control.

When people started laughing about Richard Spenser getting punched, the bans started flying almost immediately.

Let's call /u/spez what he is: a Nazi sympathizer.

That's basically what happened to me, too. Reddit is actual garbage.