Nazi lives don't matter (rule) to – 2058 points –

Only good Nazi is a dead one

It’s infuckingsane to me that not even 100 years since the end of WW2 and there’s still nazis. Fuck Nazis.

I wish there was a nazi punching training camp. We need to teach the people how to punch nazis the right way.

Be careful punching nazis. A single punch can kill. People have gone to prison for a single punch. Do it masked up!

Well, you don't have to be thaaaat careful. They have very thick skulls.

Its called a boxing gym.

The people who knew failed to teach their children about bayonets.

I was banned from Reddit for saying I enjoyed the parts of red dead redemption 2 where you had to kill slave owners and kkk members. Literally said I enjoyed a mainstream video game and the main quest. Inciting violence against polygons in an imaginary world that took place 150 years ago.

Imagine saying you enjoyed playing Wolfenstein.

14 year account. RIP.

Reddit also banned me for saying nazis deserve to be punched. A comment I made under a post similar to this. Appearantly making such posts is fine, but commenting the same shit is unforgivable.

Yeah, I'm not sure what's up over there where it suddenly became not ok to punch Nazis.

It used to be even mainstream media encouraged punching Nazis. Don't watch an old Blues Brothers movie if punching Nazis offends you too I guess.

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I think reddit ostensibly banned /r/ChapoTrapHouse because the mods weren't banning people who said slave owners should be killed.

Wolfenstein: new order is pretty sus.

In the game there's actually a Jewish Cabal conspiring against the third riche, which would make the Nazis...right?

Great game tho 7.8/10

And that kind of shit is exactly the reason why there's still a denazified German version. Killing Nazis isn't the issue, putting them in a metaphysical context, derealising them, etc, is what's the problem. You don't want kids one day to think of Nazis as fictional characters.

Wrong. Nazi symbolism is just straight up banned in Germany. There are exceptions for stuff like documentaries and also for use in art. Movies have been accepted as art for a while. Videogames only recently. The regular version os The New Order is now available in Germany. I am german and I have bought on steam.

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Image Transcription: Text and Image:


This sets a dangerous example, and we need to talk about it.

If you punch a Nazi like this, you're going to break your wrist. Remember, make contact with the largest two knuckles (index and middle finger) and keep a strong wrist. You want to hurt the Nazi, not yourself!

Stay safe out there and keep punching Nazis.

This has been a public service announcement.

[Two images shown side by side. The first shows a young man in a black shirt standing on a crowded sidewalk, his hand raised above his head in the historical "Nazi salute" with a lightly smug expression. There is a person's hand holding up their middle finger prominently in his direction visible from the right side of the screen, but everything past their forearm is out of the image frame. In the second image, the same man in the black shirt is shown with his hand at his side, as a second man in an orange shirt is shown in the middle of punching the taller black-shirted man in the jaw. The fist of the man punching is angled slightly upwards at the wrist, so his fist makes contact at the knuckles on his fingers rather than using the flat surface of a typical punch. The image is captured before the man in the black shirt reacts to the punch. The hand holding up a middle finger is still visible in the right of the frame.]

^I'm a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

I got banned from a regular sub on Reddit for saying it's ok to punch Nazis. How refreshing.

Probably because it's not okay to assault people who you disagree with or find unforgivable. Down votes and punching is easy, little kid stuff. Seeing where they are coming from, what they've been through, and understanding why they are this way, and helping them see their way out of it. That is the difficult part.

"People I don't agree with" and "Nazis" aren't the same people. I sympathize with people who have lives that lead them down the path to that, but once they've committed themselves to Nazism and start saluting in the street, then there's no more sympathy.

To be clear, you can come back from a lot of shitty beliefs. I have. But I also didn't march in white pride parades with swastikas. I'm not talking about run of the mill conservatives.

Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine plays on a stage in front of a backdrop with the word Nazi lives don't matter

Rage against the machine

Former Speaker of the House, (R) Paul Ryan's favorite band

(He didn't understand that he was a cog in the machine they were raging against)

He considers "Killing in the Name" to be a song of celebration, not of protest.

History has shown us that there is only one solution to Fascism. Maybe it's time to remind them.

My parents raised me with unfortunate views, as did the churches they forced me to attend. It was only through life experience that I came to realize they were wrong.

Violence didn't help me, it made me feel isolated and more inclined to think that those using violence against me didn't have rational arguments against my views.

Violence doesn't win arguments, and it should be a last resort, using it for instant gratification is a sure strategy to prolong conflict.

My parents raised me with unfortunate views, as did the churches they forced me to attend. It was only through life experience did I come to realize they were wrong.

Violence didn't help me, it made me feel isolated and more inclined to think that those using violence against me didn't have rational arguments against my views.

Violence doesn't win arguments, and it should be a last resort, using it for instant gratification is a sure strategy to prolong conflict.

I'm generally a very peaceful person.

But I think physically attacking tyranny, and tyrants, is morally justified.

Hell yeah! Punch all the Nazis!


removed by reddit

Reddit Nazis: Just can't wait to go have a genocide!

*spez sleeps*

Anyone Else: Fuck the hell off. Your jaw needs a realignment

*spez announces red alert at Reddit HQ and personally fires a cruise missle to 'removed by reddit' your life*

I wish this wasn't the case! Was part of one of the carpet bombings

How could you call them Nazi?!?!

They’re only saluting Hitler, the literal figure of the Nazi movement and regime – see, absolutely innocent!

The word Nazi gets used so inflatedly these days. Also, why is everyone calling me Nazi?

Legit, my entire account and all of the accounts that ever touched the OFFICAL reddit app, were all removed when I made a comment "Yeah, punch a Nazi, with a bullet."

The accounts were all insta/perma-banned across all of reddit for this one comment.

Basically reddit was defending Nazis.

I am kind of not too sad to see reddit start sinking.

Oh yeah. When one of those subs start laughing it up about "free helicopter rides", crickets. Reddit let them do that for YEARS before public outcry forced them to exercise some asshole control.

When people started laughing about Richard Spenser getting punched, the bans started flying almost immediately.

Let's call /u/spez what he is: a Nazi sympathizer.

That's basically what happened to me, too. Reddit is actual garbage.

Oh yeah, that's a shit punch. That guy needs a bit of advice. And keep punching nazis

I've only just joined after about 11 years on reddit, and I've only just realised we can say this shit about nazis here. I feel like a weight just lifted off my back.

Hostility towards Nazis is the only hostility I'd ever want to see on Lemmy.

Ah the "master race"

Known for their unkempt appearance, spaghetti arms and size 26 preteen pants.

Also known for being defeated in perpetuity (just like those commie fuckin pieces of shit on the other end of the spectrum).

Commies speedrun civilization suicide because the government hoards all the money and let the workers starve.

Nazis drag out the process because capitalism incentivizes work (until it doesn't, e.g. LSC) and maximizing suffering for outgroups gets them off, but eventually their anti-intellectual groupthink hits critical mass and they unalive themselves in some colossally stupid fashion while claiming germs aren't real and that they totally didn't get scammed out of their life savings because Lord Donald told them to.

I wish we had r/beholdthemasterrace over here...

All you have to do with commies though is isolate them. They'll stop being commie one way or another.


Yep, I was a mod on /r/Edinburgh and got my account suspended for (as far as I can tell) abusing nazis and proto-fascists that were causing trouble on a post on the sub.

There needs to be a national "punch a Nazi in the face" day.

I vote June 6th. (D-Day) Also, conveniently opposite January 6th. (The most recent battle lost by the Confederates.)

Not to burst your bubble, but that would unfortunately be July 6 opposite Jan 6

That guy is quite clearly a nazi... but remember guys, some people call anything a nazi.

I was once banned from Reddit for correctly pointing out that the medically approved cure for Nazism is one fist, applied directly to the face repeatedly until the afflicted individual stops being a Nazi.

The medical professional applying this cure can substitute any handy blunt object for their first if so desired.

Similar thing happened to me.
The Nazi that I responded to had threatening language, and wished harm on me and whatnot, but they remained unpunished.

I got banned off /r/politics because of an article about a Fox News reporter who was caught lying about the election and inciting viewers to commit revolution (i.e. treason and assassination). I commented that he should stuff it up his ass, and got kicked for "death threats."

Mod was probably a powertripping wingnut masquerading as an independent. "Centrists" who coddle and defend the fascists are no less fascist themselves, and if that hurts their feelings then I have some nice horse paste for them to cry into.

Cool but slippery slope Edit: I feel like a lot of people dont get it. For an example if you ban nazis and they get power they can ban the left side or trans people(etc you get the point). Also just banning stuff can screw up things. Same with allowing hitting someone for their (flawed) ideology. You have to assume that your enemies and also yourself dont have morals. Nazis think they are the good side(idk actually, im not a nazi). Violence and banning things should only be used as an extreme measure.

It's only slippery if you don't have proper footing when punching a Nazi.

If you can't ensure proper footing, or are unable to properly punch, a baseball bat will suffice. Preferably a wooden baseball bat, as aluminum bats flex more than wood, and you don't want any give when hitting a Nazi with your bat.

Aim for the knees, so the cowardly Nazi can't run away, like the coward it is. Once it's on the ground, you can continue to work the rest of the body. Stay away from the head! I cannot emphasize that enough. You want the Nazi to remain conscious, so it can feel it's bones shatter.

Allowing Nazis to be in society is a slippery slope

Now do communists

Look up "false equivalence." Wanting a stateless classless society is not the same as wanting to genocide one's way to an ethnostate.

The person you're talking to is a nazi

Should have expected that from that type of username. That limited brain function is on full display.

Enjoy eating that clay to keep your belly full.

Show an example of commie nonsense that hasn't resulted in authoritarian rule and slaughter or forced starvation.

Wanting a stateless classless society results in the state ruling a bunch of classless dipshits.

I'm not a communist. But I'm not sure where in the communist manifesto it calls for systematic genocide of non Aryan people

I love how every time someone badmouths nazis, someone tries to divert to talking about communism, making it obvious how salty they still are about the fall of Berlin.

It’s a sheer cliff really. Either you’re punching a nazi or you’re punching someone that doesn’t deserve it. Nazis are usually proud of being Nazis, so they show off with these salutes and their dumb swastika flags. It’s ok to punch people like this. It should in fact be legal.

slippery slope

Nope. A Nazi is well defined.

Conceptual slippery slope arguments assume that because we cannot draw a distinction between adjacent stages, we cannot draw a distinction between any stages at all.

Example: "There is no essential difference between 199 and 200 grains of sand or 200 and 201 grains and so on. Thus, there is no difference between 1 grain of sand and 3 billion grains of sand.”

Slippery Slope Fallacy

I think he means that it's a dangerous precident. Opening the door to political violence not only makes your side look barbarous, but is also a potential justification for future political violence against an arbitrary group.

I hate Nazis, but we shouldn't be punching people for saying stupid, hateful shit.

We should be mocking them mercilessly.

If your neighbours started saying your family needs to be put into gas chambers you'd laugh it off? Nazis believe in genocide. It is not a laughing matter. It is a threat.

Not just genocide but eugenics.

They will genocide anyone who doesn't fit in whatever their definition of a perfect human being is.

Your elderly mom who has a disability? Gassed.

Your partner, who happens to have some link to a race of people they don't like? Gassed. (And your children, possibly you too for fraternizing)

You look a little different for no apparent reason? Gassed.

It's almost like old school witch trials in nature where they just make up shit with flimsy justifications to exterminate you.

Believing in racial superiority is as absurd as a flat earth, but in-order to be willing to punch someone, you have to take their ideas seriously enough to find them threatening, there-by legitimizing them [for the audience the Nazi is targeting].

Some rando standing on a street espousing the deranged ramblings of a long-dead dictator is not a legitimate threat in my eyes.

If the rando is somehow having their verbal excrement backed by the state, then we can talk about violence, but that is not currently the case where I live, and in most of the world.

I don't want to debate a Nazi about whether the emperor's clothes are ugly or not. I'm going to tell everyone the emperor has no clothes.

Some rando standing on a street espousing the deranged ramblings of a long-dead dictator is not a legitimate threat in my eyes.

That's exactly the first scene of the Twilight Zone episode He's Alive. Not that it proves anything as it's just a fictional story but it's the first thing I thought of.

An article that also comes to mind is Bartender explains why he swiftly kicks out Nazis even if they're 'not bothering anyone'. Basically, if you allow the "rando" Nazi's a safe place to congregate they'll tell all their friends who tell their friends and eventually your bar, town square, etc are the local Nazi hangout and the extremists start showing up. Now you have too many Nazis to safely and easily remove.

Now, you absolutely don't need to use violence as your language of choice, what's most important is that you make it loud and clear that trying to put down roots is going to be more trouble than it's worth.

Oh for sure. I'm not at all for leaving Nazis alone. Like I said, they should be mocked merciless. They should know just exactly how deranged they sound, and they should feel bad for opening their dumb mouths. However, no matter how dumb their mouth may be, you don't get to punch them in it.

Congratulations you are privileged enough to laugh because they aren't affecting your life

I agree with you. It's a lot harder to make that effective, though.

Nope. A Nazi is well defined.

Not really. It’s an ideology, and ideologies always have various layers, variants, intensities and whatnot. If someone has a race bias are they automatically a Nazi? If someone is in a position to kill a jew but doesn’t do it, are they automatically not a Nazi? Putin says Ukraine is controlled by Nazis. The entire US population is pretty much split on whether “certain politicians” are Nazi or not.

As much as I’d like it to be true, it’s not something objective enough that most people can agree on a single definition.

The guy is doing a fucking Nazi salute. There are people who literally wave the fucking Nazi flag. People will tattoo the Nazi swastika on their bodies and literally self identify as a Nazi. It isn't that complex holy fuck.

And those people you listed are definitely Nazis. But are people who don’t do that stuff definitely not Nazis? There’s a huge gray area.

There’s a huge gray area.

It does not follow from this that the existence of a gray area means that obvious nazis should not be opposed vigorously.

Oh I never disagreed with that. If someone openly identifies as a nazi they deserve anything that's coming their way. My gripe with your initial comment was that you said this couldn't lead to a slippery slope because "a Nazi is well defined", when it's not. If we stop at people who are 100% confirmed nazis I'm all in, the thing that person was mentioning is how we should be wary of applying the same logic to people who could be nazis, because it's all downhill from there.

This is said as if they wouldn't ban the left otherwise, or are not already banning being trans or books right now.

Punch nazis, don’t punch not nazis. Sieg heil means someone’s a nazi. Agreed?

this post doesnt even mention banning anything, just punching nazis. if they didnt want to get punched, maybe they shouldn’t have chosen to be such vile pieces of shit.

even if it did, its worked fine for germany, where hate speech and particularly holocaust denial and nazi rhetoric is aggressively prosecuted.

Life is nothing but slippery slopes in all directions. Get used to it and stop falling for it as a line.

Nazis have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that they must be exterminated at every opportunity. You know, there was that whole world war and a bunch of people died and stuff that you can't miss. Fuck Nazis.

Your argument is the slippery slope fallacy. Nazis end game has been seen. They murder people. I don't hear Nazis saying we can coexist. You murder murderers. You silence people who want to permanently silence others. Idealistically silence them until they change their mind. Punching a Nazi might fix their brain damage at least make them think twice before they try to publicly express themselves

A slippery slope fallacy (SSF), in logic, critical thinking, political rhetoric, and caselaw, is a fallacious argument in which a party asserts that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant (usually negative) effect.[1] The core of the slippery slope argument is that a specific decision under debate is likely to result in unintended consequences. The strength of such an argument depends on whether the small step really is likely to lead to the effect. This is quantified in terms of what is known as the warrant (in this case, a demonstration of the process that leads to the significant effect). This type of argument is sometimes used as a form of fearmongering in which the probable consequences of a given action are exaggerated in an attempt to scare the audience. Black and white cartoon of a tall woman in a dress reaching her knees and a shorter man holding a bouquet. Both are in front of a robed figure. Each of the marrying couples has a couple of their same-sex and similar attire behind.

The fallacious sense of "slippery slope" is often used synonymously with continuum fallacy, in that it ignores the possibility of middle ground and assumes a discrete transition from category A to category B. In this sense, it constitutes an informal fallacy. Other idioms for the slippery slope fallacy are the thin end/edge of the wedge, the camel's nose in the tent, or If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.

I've realized that conservatives often call everything a slippery slope because that's what they try to do. They know they can't come out and say we don't want blacks to vote, so they chip it at with the intent of then taking it to the next step and as many steps at they can. Apply to all their policies.

Nah, they'll ban leftism and trans people either way. It's not like the Weimar Republic banned Nazism, and yet Hitler still banned every other political party and did the Holocaust. Fascist ideologies must be strangled in the cradle, so punching Nazis is fine.

Exactly. Dehumanise a certain category of people, so it’s easier to hate, punch and kill. It’s better to educate these people and to make them understand that they’re going the wrong path. Violence leads to radicalisation. It’s funny how nazis used this same mentality against other people. Well, not funny, just sad.

Uhh… we're not dehumanising nazis, we're merely acknowledging the fact that as long as they can air their views unchallenged they're an existential threat to marginalised communities and they must be dealt with with extreme prejudice. That doesn't make them not human.

The chanting punch a nazi and discard everything about their persona doesn’t sound very humanising. But regardless of that I am not young anymore and have seen some things. I have seen people that complain about eugenics, but wish the worst to autistic people. I have seen people chanting punch a nazi and then going ahead to vote for the most vile right wing party. I have seen people chanting for inclusion and then hating that a foreigner moved into their neighbourhood. All of this to me is just hollow virtue signaling.

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Reminder that Mahatma Ghandi was a plant by the UK government to stop the india independence movement, and delayed independence by decades. Also a pedophile. Nonviolent protest doesn't work.

Do you have sources for this? Curious to know more, thanks in advance.

Sure, here's one:

Alow me to quote Justice Markandey Katju, justice of the supreme court of india (source)

Gandhi---A British Agent This post is bound to draw a lot of flak at me, but that does not matter as I am not a popularity seeker I have often said things knowing that initially that will make me very unpopular, and I will be vilified and denounced by many. Nevertheless I say such I believe they must be said in my country's interest. I submit that Gandhi was objectively a British agent who did great harm to India. These are my reasons for saying this :

  1. India has tremendous diversity, so many religions, castes, races, languages, etc ( see my article ' What is India ?' on my blog ). Realizing this the British policy was of divide and rule ( see online ' History in the Service of Imperialism ' , which is a speech delivered by Prof. B.N. Pande in the Rajya Sabha ). By constantly injecting religion into politics continuously for several decades, Gandhi furthered the British policy of divide and rule. If we read Gandhi's public speeches and writings ( e.g. in his newspapers 'Young India', ' Harijan ', etc ) we find that ever since Gandhi came to India from South Africa in 1915 or so till his death in 1948, in almost every speech or article he would emphasize Hindu religious ideas e.g. Ramrajya, Go Raksha ( cow protection ), brahmacharya ( celibacy ), varnashram dharma ( caste system ), etc ( see Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi ). Thus Gandhi wrote in ' Young India ' on 10.6.1921 " I am a Sanatani Hindu. I believe in the varnashram dharma. I believe in protection of the cow ". In his public meetings the Hindu bhajan ' Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram ' would be loudly sung. Now Indians are a religious people, and they were even more religious in the first half of the 20th century. A sadhu or swamiji may preach such ideas to his followers in his ashram, but when they are preached day in and day out by a political leader, what effect will these speeches and writings have on an orthodox Muslim mind ? It would surely drive him towards a Muslim organization like the Muslim League, and so it did. Was this not serving the British policy of divide and rule ? By constantly injecting religion into politics for several decades, was Gandhi not objectively acting as a British agent ?
  2. In India a revolutionary movement against British rule had started in the early 20th century under the Anushilan Samiti, Jugantar, and revolutionaries like Surya Sen, Ramprasad Bismil ( who wrote the song ' Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamare dil mein hai ), Chandrashekhar Azad, Ashfaqulla, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, etc ( who were all hanged by the British ). Gandhi successfully diverted the freedom struggle from this revolutionary direction to a harmless nonsensical channel called Satyagrah. This also served British interests.
  3. Gandhi's economic ideas were thoroughly reactionary. He advocated self sufficient village communities, though everybody knows that these communities were totally casteist and in the grip of landlords and money lenders..Gandhi was against industrialization, and preached handspinning by charkha and other such reactionary nonsense. Similarly, his ' trusteeship ' theory was all nonsense, and an act of deceiving the people Some people praise Gandhi's bravery in going to Noakhali, etc to douse the communal violence at the time of Partition. But the question is why did he help setting the house on fire in the first place by preaching religious ideas in public political meetings for several decades, which were bound to divide the Indian people on religious lines? First you set the house on fire, and then you do the drama of trying to douse the flames.

Further details on his status as a british agent:

For the record,, while masquerading as an academic publication, is actually an "open academic journal" meaning that its pay to play if you want your work published (payments is one of the main links in the header).

While I have no specific knowledge of this "journal", open academic journals are infamous for have little or no peer-review process—despite publicly claiming otherwise—and allowing authors to publish whatever serves the author's agenda.

TL;DR: this source has the approximate credibility of a blog post, so think critically before accepting it's conclusions.

You also wanna make sure to get in the habit of punching with your thumb at the side of your fist and not in front of your index finger, cause you might otherwise break your own thumb on impact.

At first I was a little uncomfortable with votes being visible on kbin, but I have to say, the small adjustment to my own habits is well worth being able to see who downvotes this kind of thing so I can pre-emptively block them and avoid ever interacting with such scum.

I definitely appreciate any punch that gets thrown in a Nazi's direction, but I agree, stay safe. If you have a can of industrial strength bear mace, use that, instead. Really get in in their holes, too. Mouth, ear, and nose. If you are brave enough, try other holes, too. Every hole filled with bear mace is one less hole spewing vile hate speech.

So bear mace is typically weaker than mace meant for people. So I recommend full power self defense mace/pepper spray for use against nazis. Other than that small detail, I’m fully on board with your recommended plan.

But it comes in bigger cans, so you can spray longer. A reasonable tradeoff under some conditions.

I pulled a crazy guy off of a gas station attendant after he'd been hosed down with a gallon of the shit. I was covered in it afterwards, too, because it rubbed off on me and my clothes. I had to go to work with that shit soaking into my skin. I can say from prolonged personal experience, I don't want ANY mace, human, bear, or fucking manatee, on me, ever. That shit sucks.

My parents raised me with unfortunate views, as did the churches they forced me to attend. It was only through life experience did I come to realize they were wrong.

Violence didn't help me, it made me feel isolated and more inclined to think that those using violence against me didn't have rational arguments against my views.

Violence doesn't win arguments, and it should be a last resort, using it for instant gratification is a sure strategy to prolong conflict.

Thanks for sharing a bit about your life. I'm very proud of you (however much that means) and agree 100% with what you wrote.

However, I have also been on the receiving end. The childhood experience of watching racists shout slurs at my parents in a grocery store has permanently impacted my perspective.

Many try to ignore or debate with racists for years, and the violence you see often is the last resort.

I want to thank you for mentioning your belief that violence is not a good answer, because it prompted me to read up on the Stonewall riots before using it in a reply, which lead me to learning a lot more about the LGBTQIA+ community’s long struggle for equality in the United States than I ever expected.

Edit: I’m not sure I replied to the right comment here.

Isnt there an community avalaible for this kinds of things regarding nazis ? if yes pls give it to me. If no, pls create it.

I mean that's a slapmnkt a punch but good effort.

Now I know Nazis are not known for many good things but given their leadership I though keeping facial hair neat would be one.

Why do these self-proclaimed superior race types always look like they smell like unwashed scalp and sour milk breath? A rattle of phlegm always present in the back of their throat when they speak.

I had the misfortune of meeting a neo-Nazi with a substantial speech impediment. He would have been persecuted, or worse under the Nazi regime. I guess it's self-loathing that draws some of them into the ideology.

It tells them that none of that matters, they're still superior because they're white. In fact, none of their problems would exist if it wasn't for those people

Theres always shitty people and always will be. No matter the name they go by we just have to keep putting them down.

Punching the head isn't a great idea in general, it's better to just open palm it and save knuckles for the soft places. Better yet, just use your elbow or forearm, or a baseball bat.

Woke lives matter?

See if you can explain the content of your comment.

  1. Needing to reinforce that you hate nazis everytime is pretty woke cause woke people are always like "oh, I hate nazis, and look, I'm so cool, I hate them". It's just so simplistic and I think I'm just tired of people repeating that word everytime they can.

  2. You shouldn't use of violence no matter how much of an asshole someone is. If you use violence or threat to use it against someone not in self-defense way, you've already lost the battle.

I want to thank you for mentioning your belief that violence is not a good answer, because it prompted me to read up on the Stonewall riots before using it in a reply, which lead me to learning a lot more about the LGBTQIA+ community’s long struggle for equality in the United States than I expected.

Well, it's good that I helped you somehow but that was just a basic thing.

Your use of the word “woke” in this thread suggests that your ban from gaming discussions probably arises from others concluding you aren’t the kind of person they want to associate with.

When Republicans’ lawyers actually have to define it under oath, here’s what they say:

DeSantis' general counsel, Ryan Newman, responded that the term means "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them."

Believing “wokeness” (as everyone defines it when they’re being honest) to be evil seems like a position that’s hard to support, at least without maintaining an intentional veil of ignorance.

Wokeness unlike other words are only associated with bad stuff and doesn't ever refer to any good part of the left-wing communities, you can identify more as a left guy and still don't like wokeness no matter what groups you support as it is associated with racism, sexism, double standards coming from someone or some group or entity that supposedly defends equality. Still I don't know what that has to do with a ring or a game community from a country that doesn't even know what that term is about.

I brought up the gaming because you mentioned in another thread thinking people banned you after you said reasonable things and I observed that it might have been a result of people seeing what you wrote in other places.

Unfortunately or fortunately that's not what happened. I don't know if that would be any better cause they would at least be reading more things other people say before freaking out for people not liking their political agenda but also would show they're maybe even more futile.

When you say “political agenda” do you mean, “people trying to be treated fairly and other people trying to prevent that”? I suppose that is technically a political agenda.

My ring finger is longer than my pointer finger, though I can't tell if their knuckles are the largest two. Should I punch with those knuckles?

Probably yeah. You want the most stability in your punch. Think of the line the force has to take back into your body, the more bone and muscle that line goes through the better.

But if you really want to learn to punch go take lessons. Join an anarchist gym if you're fortunate enough to have one.

And when one of the tries to murder you don’t come crying to us. Violence is not the answer!

The entire nazi ideology is based on violence, which makes violence the only answer.

Yet they cry about tolerance, the very thing they will destroy, if they are permitted to fester and grow. Total tolerance is not freedom, but in fact a total submission toward the intolerant.

You can't tolerate fascism. To tolerate that and let genocide happen is to be a piece of shit as well.

Fucking wild to see that sentiment here, the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Violence is the only response to a violent belief system that seeks to oppress and genocide a substantital part of the population. If you can't see that, you're spare parts bud

Wait is the guy with the a red shirt pinching the nazi’s beard?