Exclusive: Recordings, emails show how Trump team flew fake elector ballots to DC in final push to overturn 2020 election

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 1063 points –
Exclusive: Recordings, emails show how Trump team flew fake elector ballots to DC in final push to overturn 2020 election | CNN Politics

Two days before the January 6 insurrection, the Trump campaign’s plan to use fake electors to block President-elect Joe Biden from taking office faced a potentially crippling hiccup: The fake elector certificates from two critical battleground states were stuck in the mail.

So, Trump campaign operatives scrambled to fly copies of the phony certificates from Michigan and Wisconsin to the nation’s capital, relying on a haphazard chain of couriers, as well as help from two Republicans in Congress, to try to get the documents to then-Vice President Mike Pence while he presided over the Electoral College certification.

The operatives even considered chartering a jet to ensure the files reached Washington, DC, in time for the January 6, 2021, proceeding, according to emails and recordings obtained by CNN.

The new details provide a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the chaotic last-minute effort to keep Donald Trump in office. The fake electors scheme features prominently in special counsel Jack Smith’s criminal indictment against the former president, and some of the officials who were involved have spoken to Smith’s investigators.


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It's an easy thing to spread, because there's a kernel of truth to it. Democrats are ruining the country. They're just not doing it half as quickly as Republicans are.

You can see how administrations work, during republican the tax cuts for the rich get thr economy in shambles, then enters a democrat, and suddenly gets better, and repeat.

Things aren't getting better by any metric. All of the most harmful legislation, the Patriot act, the Iraq war resolution, the restrict act, etc, is always bipartisan. Democrats are absolutely ruining the country alongside the Republicans. They're just taking the scenic route.

Doom! Both sides are bad!

So who should we vote for?

Republicans or a third party that helps Republicans, no doubt.

bOtH sIdEs argument..... funny how the data shows that republicans get worse results than democrats, but yeah, bOtH sIdEs

So your take is since something is worse than the Democrats, that makes them good by default? You're a child.

Lol that is basically your projection on republicans hahahaha how ironic.

Also a fallacy, I've never said that, I just pointed to your idiotic abOtH sIdEs fallacy.

Lol that is basically your projection on republicans hahahaha how ironic.

The fuck are you even talking about?

abOtH sIdEs fallacy.

It's not a fallacy. They're both horrible. They're not the same, one is clearly worse, but they don't have to be equally bad to both be bad.

You are the idiot using the both sides fallacy. Not me.

Lol, and you keep with the same stupid argument.

Sure bud both sides are equally worse hahahahhahaa

Sure bud both sides are equally worse

I never said that lmao. It's like you don't even read posts before you decide for yourself what they ought to say

You said that both are terrible bud.

The issue is that democrats ate useless, but republicans always try to push their agenda of hate and remove people's rights..... but sure idiot bOtH sIdEs ArE tErRiBlE bud

They are both terrible. This isn't a Disney movie, the world isn't either good or bad. Someone can be bad even if someone else is worse.

Lol, but you are implying that they are equally bad, and I still not seeing the democrats trying to remove the rights of women or minorities.

Or even worse, try to put a traitor in the bailouts of the presidency. When thst happens, let me know.

you are implying that they are equally bad

Then it shouldn't be hard for you to find an example of me doing that and quote it here

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There's a kernel of attempt at future genocide in it, not truth

So you believe the Democrats are actually on our side and want what's best for everyone?

That party isn't even particularly consistent given how many different types of people are in it. What I can tell you is the genuinely monstrous people are drawn to the Republican party because they're actively welcomed there.

That party isn't even particularly consistent given how many different types of people are in it.

That's a pretty long winded way to say "no, I do not believe they're good people who care about me".

Can you think of anything positive to say about them that doesn't involve comparing them to Republicans? I can't.

Can you define good without the definition comparing to bad?

Yes. Satisfactory, desirable, moral. If you need to compare a concept to it's antonym to define it, then you don't really understand the concept.

Oh you sweet summer child

Bro, you dodged his question. He answered yours.

So how about instead of brushing him off with an insult, you actually pony up some good things you think democrats are doing that doesn't just boil down to "well republicans would have done it worse"

Frankly, I'm on the side of voting democrats with the exact reasoning that Republicans will steer us into fascism. But I wouldn't go so far as to say that they're doing good, they just aren't doing as much bad.

I can't blame people who are disappointed with democrats as a whole, and I think it's a reach to unironically take your position of voting for them because you think they have good policies.

Infrastructure expansion like trains, investing in education, healthcare plans, environmental programs, etc.

But of course you already know of all these so why do you need to ask the question?

(I'm not even from USA myself, but your Republicans have such deranged policies that it spills over to us in impacts on trade, etc)

Infrastructure expansion like trains

We'll see. Congress doesn't like the president spending money without their explicit approval. At this stage of planning, it's little more than grandstanding by the president.

investing in education

See above. Congress undid Biden's first attempt at debt relief. It's still unclear if the second attempt will pan out. Cool if it does though. Still an if.

healthcare plans

The ACA really only pays out for people far enough below the poverty line that they basically don't have income. My wife and I make $50k/year. Not even enough to own a house here. I still shell out $600/month for basic healthcare for two, with a $1000 deductible we each have to pay before the insurance even starts covering costs. And that's considered a good plan. Deductibles can legally be as high as $10,000 per person before insurance starts paying anything.

The ACA isn't exactly a shining achievement for democrats.

environmental programs

I'll give you that one. My state is building and opening the largest carbon capture facility in the world so far, because of democratic policy.


Etcetera is what people say when they run out of examples. By my count you've got 1 (one) example of good that democrats have done that has actually materialized and isn't in jeopardy of failing as soon as someone actually has to approve the funding. Most democratic policies die in congress.

But of course you already know of all these so why do you need to ask the question?

No need to be an asshole, I'm just here demonstrating for you that the broad strokes you're painting are not even close to the actual situation.

(I'm not even from USA myself, but your Republicans have such deranged policies that it spills over to us in impacts on trade, etc)

I'm with you on this one. Republicans are deranged in general. But it's abundantly clear that you do not live here. Democrats had 3 years to do something constructive, and they mostly haven't even managed to undo the damage Trump has done, let alone enact policies that benefit the majority of Americans.

In fact, democrats lost a major civil rights battle during their tenure (Roe v Wade) without even putting up a fight. I absolutely cannot blame democrat voters for being disappointed.

I can define irony too, it's when a guy who believes that one of the political parties in this country are good guys who are on his side implies that you're naive.

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