How do you guys cope with the fact that the world isn't getting any better? to – 469 points –

I'm really worried about the state of the US despite being a white male who was I'll coast right through it. I'll also accept "I don't" and "very poorly" as answers


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It is getting better though. We are all just facing the issues of our era's.

Tech keeps going up, we are slowly making progress on climate change, the space race is back on, and superpowers don't directly fight eachother anymore. Hell, we've proven to beat once in a century pandemics in a few years with relatively speaking barely any deaths. Life's good

Yes, we have squabbles in the middle east and Africa, but that's par for the course and not an indicator for human development. The only thing that has really gone backwards is that war has been brought back to europe

superpowers don’t directly fight each other

Yeah, this one shouldn't be underestimated. The world powers, not just superpowers, just don't have much of an appetite for head-to-head war anymore. Most wars are civil wars with the occasional proxy war thrown in. World War I killed 17 million, World War II killed 80 million. We just don't have wars at that size anymore. For that matter, there's a generous smattering of multi-million death wars through the 19th and 20th centuries, both civil and between nations. But as you get to the 21st century, that just doesn't really happen anymore.

We just bumped into the 1.5 degree mark, how are we "making progress" on climate change?

Sorry. Just so hard to be optimistic. 2023 has been BANANAS for global temperatures.