How Autonomous Vehicles Could Help People with Disabilities to – 36 points –
How Autonomous Vehicles Could Help People with Disabilities

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It does exist, it's just trains, not cars.

Trains have drivers. Also, I can either take a train out of my city or into it. I can't use a train within my city and it doesn't take me grocery shopping either. My head hurts trying to imagine how you think a train is going to replace car.

It will never replace cars for people with disabilities.

Every single person who argues this in this thread doesn't have a disability and is ignorant towards the challenges they face.

Had a family member who was disabled for 40 years.

Disabilities come in many shapes. For certain disabilities, sure a train/public transit might be inferior to cars.

However I'd say for a majority of cases, public transit is much more hospitable to disabled folks. Many disabilities make driving either impossible, massively impractical, or outright dangerous.

Many disabilities make driving either impossible, massively impractical, or outright dangerous.

This post is about autonomous vehicles, which will render this concern obsolete.