Honestly people who insist on using Celsius for their daily lives rather than just for science have way more comfort than me having to deal with fractions of a degree on a regular basis. But I guess that's the point of metric, dealing with precise decimels constantly rather than just having a unit conveniently sized for the thing you're doing.
No one cares about fractions of Celsius, in my experience
Honestly people who insist on using Celsius for their daily lives rather than just for science have way more comfort than me having to deal with fractions of a degree on a regular basis. But I guess that's the point of metric, dealing with precise decimels constantly rather than just having a unit conveniently sized for the thing you're doing.
No one cares about fractions of Celsius, in my experience
Me when my house is 20.462c instead of 20.463c: 😡🤬🥶
Does anyone feel the difference of 1°C?