Dave Chappelle fills Netflix special with jokes about trans and disabled peoplelocked

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 378 points –
Dave Chappelle fills Netflix special with jokes about trans and disabled people

Dave Chappelle has released a new Netflix special, The Dreamer, which is full of jokes about the trans community and disabled people.

“I love punching down!” he tells the audience, in a one-hour show that landed on the streaming service today (31 December).

It’s his seventh special for Netflix and comes two years after his last one, the highly controversial release The Closer.

That programme was criticised for its relentless jokes about the trans community, and Chappelle revisits the topic in his new show.

He tells jokes about trans women in prison, and about trans people “pretending” to be somebody they are not.


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Comedy is the last bastion for free speech. Our constitution's first amendment protects free speech regardless of how sensitive your feelings are or how much it has triggered your fabricated anxiety issue.

Who was suggesting that the government censor him?!

My point exactly. Thanks to the Bill of Rights, the people have certain reserved and protected rights. These rights which we take for granted are not guaranteed in other countries and can lead to charges of blasphemy.

Comedy is the last bastion for free speech

Really? There's literally no other free speech in the entire country? Guess those idiots on newsmaxx aren't still lying about jewish space lasers then.

With cancel culture being so sensitive, free speech is under attack. I disagree with NewsMax and Nazis, but they have a right to express themselves without being cancelled.

What does getting canceled have to do with the 1st amendment? You want the government to force companies to employ nazis?

I think you've missed the point or the intent of the first amenmdebt itself if you are asking that question.

As for your second question, that is a straw man argument.

I think you've missed the point of the 1st amendment if you think it has anything to do with private entities canceling people. And if you don't want nazis to get canceled but think that it's unrelated to employment, who exactly is canceling them?

Your argument about free speech and the first amendment is hopelessly convoluted with cancel culture.

I'm pro trans but I do respect the first amendment. Be who you want to be. He has an audience who loves him... BUT.. Hate should not be promoted in order to protect others... So I guess I'm mixed on this.

He’s not Lenny Bruce. This is not a first amendment issue.

It is the first amendment which allows you to make your statement freely without fear of state-sponsored reprise.

Netflix offers choices for entertainment. I don't like most of the content on Netflix, but I don't think it should be canceled just because I dislike it.

The First Amendment shields you from government reprisal. It is not a shield from private critique or consequences.

Public cancellation or being cancelled by a sensitive sub section of the population threatens free speech.

No it doesn't full stop.

Public "cancellation" is free speech by the public and it always will be

Public cancellation costs people their jobs, livelihoods, and even their lives because a sensitive, loud, and naive sub section of the population felt "triggered" by someone else's right to free speech. This, in turn, makes others wary of the things they say and inhibits their free speech.

People are presumed guilty without due process and are forced to grovel and apologize for otherwise meaningless acts which elevated the anxieties of the super sensitive. This is a witch hunt and has happened before in the US in Salem and during the McCarthy era. Both periods are seen as sore spots in our history.

This is convenient when your opinion is with the majority. It a threat and unsustainable when your opinion is no longer the majority opinion.

"Full stop".

Lmao you don't really even know what you are talking about.

"Free speech" means the government itself cannot infringe your speech. It doesn't mean SHIT to anyone who isn't the government. "The court of public opinion" is not a literal court! And it is a group expression of the free speech you love!

You are just bitching about people being deplatformed off of privately owned websites (which isn't what happened to this asshole because he is on fuckin netflix) and you want to be dramatic and make it seem like they are all victims and need to be protected based on your misunderstanding of law