US Says No Recognition For Breakaway Somaliland After Ethiopia Deal to World – 77 points –
US Says No Recognition For Breakaway Somaliland After Ethiopia Deal

The United States on Wednesday rejected international recognition for breakaway Somaliland and called for calm after the region's leaders signed a deal with Ethiopia.

Somalia accused landlocked Ethiopia of attacking its sovereignty after Addis Ababa reached the agreement with Somaliland that gives long-sought access to the Red Sea.

Somaliland, a former British protectorate of about 4.5 million people, declared independence from Somalia in 1991, a move not recognized internationally and staunchly opposed by Mogadishu.


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After 33 years it’s probably time to admit you don’t control those people any more.

US foreign policy in this regard is deranged.

It simultaneously supports Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel, and Somalia.

It’s about interest, not consistency. This is true for all countries.

There is no hypocrisy in IR, because there is only one justification for any action a country can take: self benefit.

That seems no more inconsistent than any other nation.

Probably, but then again, that's never stopped any country from claiming its former territories.